What are the advantages and disadvantages of AOP?
Many hazardous chemicals have been found in the environment in recent years, due to industrial effluents. These chemicals are hazardous to both humans and aquatic life. There is an urgent need for an appropriate treatment option, for toxic pollutants. As a result, AOPs are well suited for the treatment of hazardous chemical-containing wastewater.
Advanced oxidation has been around for a while. As a result, while this process has more than proven its worth, it is still being researched and optimized.The advanced oxidation process which is a powerful treatment process has many advantages, but it also has some drawbacks.
Benefits of advanced oxidation process
1) Quick reaction times
Because of its high oxidation potential and non-selective nature, the OH molecule has some of the fastest reaction rates of all oxidants, used to treat water and wastewater. Due to the rapid reactions, retention times are shorter.
2) Organic mineralization
AOP has the ability to convert organic materials in water into stable inorganic compounds, such as water, carbon dioxide, and salts.
3) Compact size
Because of the ?OH radical's oxidation power, advanced oxidation process units do not require much land area, to process the system's required flow rate.
4) No new hazardous substances should be introduced into the water
One of the problems with chlorine disinfection is the formation of highly toxic by-products (DPBs), after treatment. To avoid these by-products, an additional de-chlorination step is frequently required, before anything else can be done with the treated water.
Water can be formed by combining ?OH molecules. The main issues would be bromate formation and excess peroxide, both of which can be addressed in a well-designed advanced oxidation process system.
5) It can treat almost all organic materials and remove some heavy metals
Because of the highly reactive nature of ?OH, these molecules will attack almost any organic material without discrimination, allowing them to remove a wide range of contaminants in a single reactor vessel, including a few heavy metals.
6) It does not concentrate waste for further processing
The membranes result in the higher concentrations of waste, because, they separate clean water, from the pollutant compounds. Meanwhile, AOP directly reacts with pollutants, converting them to harmless compounds, decreasing their concentration.
7) It can work for disinfection
The oxidation power of AOP systems, especially when combined with UV disinfection, allows them to act as a disinfection step for any pathogens, which may be present in the water.
8) There is no sludge production, as in chemical or biological processes
A sophisticated oxidation process does not treat water and wastewater, by transferring pollutants to a different phase. Several treatment processes, generate solids like sludge, which must be dealt with, separately.
Disadvantages of advanced oxidation process
1) Expensive capital and operating/maintenance costs
The most significant disadvantage of the AOP process is its cost. The most significant are the operating and maintenance costs, associated with the system's required energy and chemical reagents.
2) Elimination of residual peroxide may be necessary
Advanced oxidation process systems that use hydrogen peroxide, should be carefully monitored for residual H2O2, as it can have a negative impact on subsequent treatment steps. However, careful system designs can prevent excess residual H2O2 and its consequences.
3) Customized chemistry for specific contaminants
There are several types of advanced oxidation processes. The variants must be chosen carefully, in order to effectively treat the wastewater. This is a dosage-dependent process as well, so the appropriate amounts of OH molecules are formed, to achieve the desired level of treatment.
Netsol Water designs and manufactures the widest range of AOP systems, to meet the needs of industrial and municipal customers. Our experts partner with customers to achieve the best overall answer, to meet treatment requirements safely and economically.
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