How to Performance based management of Onsite WWT systems?
Prescriptive requirements for system design, siting, and operation have been advocated as a replacement for performance-based management systems. Such methods appear to be both irresistibly simple and intrinsically reasonable in principle. In reality, however, certifying the effectiveness of various treatment systems in a wide range of climates, site conditions, hydraulic loads, and pollutant outputs, as well as predicting the movement and destiny of those pollutants in the environment, is sometimes challenging.
Many different systems performance ranges have been defined for a given set of meteorological, hydrological, site, and wastewater load circumstances. From simple percolation tests to a more extensive investigation of soils, restricted horizons, seasonal water levels, and other considerations, the site evaluation process is becoming more sophisticated and comprehensive. Based on performance, new technologies such as lightweight media, effluent recirculation, and disinfection procedures have been created.
Approaches used_
1: A performance-based management approach uses current advances to choose and size system technologies that are appropriate for the projected flow and strength of wastewater at the treatment site.
Systems using subsurface wastewater infiltration systems (SWISs) may be the best solution for sites with suitable soils, groundwater properties, slopes, and other factors. Alternative techniques are needed for sites with poor soils, high seasonal water tables, or other constraints that make it difficult to meet performance goals. The key to this technique is to use proven system designs that are scaled to treat the predicted wastewater load.
2: These "hybrid" or prescriptive/performance-based programs take a practical approach to onsite system management by prescribing certain sets of technologies or proprietary systems at places where they have proved to be effective and acceptable.
Alternative systems are reviewed and evaluated by regulatory bodies to see if they are suitable for the location and the effluent to be treated. Data from research, wastewater characterization methods, site assessments, installation techniques, and planned operation and maintenance activities are significantly reliant on performance-based approaches, and rigorous monitoring of system performance is strongly encouraged. Programs that enable or promote a performance-based approach must have a solid management program in place to guarantee that pre-installation research and design, as well as post-installation operation, maintenance, and monitoring, are carried out properly.
3: Prescriptive standards for system design, siting, and installation have typically guided onsite system administration. A key objective is to install a system that "complies" with codes. The sort of system that must be installed, as well as the types and depths of soils that must be present, are usually specified by most jurisdictions. Setbacks from seasonal high water tables, property boundaries, wells, surface waterways, and other landscape features are also required.
Government and business representatives are advocating for the continued development of management programs that can effectively oversee the whole spectrum of OWTS activities, including operation and maintenance.
What can we provide?
Netsol Water collaborates with a wide range of international organizations to tackle complicated problems by strategically integrating modern treatment technology with practical solutions. We can provide a good framework of onsite wastewater treatment systems, collaborated with watershed conservation measures.
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