The greatest option if you wish to have access to clean drinking water is a Commercial RO Plant. However, maintaining the various components of the system, which aid in water filtration is also necessary for a RO plant.
The membrane is the most important component of the Commercial RO plant. Let’s review that what the life of a commercial RO membrane is!
What is RO Membrane?
RO membrane is the main system involved in the water’s purification. The only purpose of the sediment and carbon filters is to get the water ready, for the Reverse Osmosis membrane to break down. After purifying between 4,000 and 6,000 liters of water, the membrane will only need to be changed provided the sediment and carbon filters, are kept in good condition.
However, if we want to know how long RO Membrane's life will last, we must understand that life depends on a number of different elements. Whether the membrane dies quickly or takes a while depends on the quality of the water. In addition to the quality of the water being used, the effectiveness of the sediment and carbon filters is also crucial.
What is the life of a commercial RO membrane?
Reverse osmosis membrane lifespan has often been seen to be between two and three years. However, there may be circumstances where a membrane continues, to function for up to five years. But, keep in mind that contaminated water will compel the membrane to prematurely degrade.
The system design, element selection, pretreatment, system operation, membrane cleaning, and system maintenance, all affect the lifespan of RO elements.
Foreign substances found in the feed water, such as calcium precipitates, organic and biological debris, and metal oxide hydrates, can foul the surface of a RO membrane. The term "fouling" refers to the accumulation of several layers, such as scaling and biofilm formation, on the membrane surface.
Change of RO Membrane
Now, if you want to determine whether or not to replace the RO membrane, you need look at the TDS of the purified water. There is a strong likelihood that the membrane has to be changed if the TDS is rising.
Note that compared to the typical time limit of 2-3 years, excessive TDS and hard water may force you to change the membrane more regularly.
Replacement of RO Membrane
Approximately, 80% of the overall expense of a RO plant goes towards replacing the RO filters and RO membranes. This is so because the RO water purifier's replacement is its main component. We must say that you have compromised on the following items, if the RO plant's filters and membrane are damaged or of poor quality:
1. Having access to water that is pure, clean, and safe.
2. RO purification system quality and longevity are improved.
3. Lowering the expense of upkeep.
What do we offer?
Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are now the industry standard for removing impurities, from all types of feed water sources, as well as for reusing wastewater in a variety of industrial processes.
Check out Netsol's Commercial RO plants if you're seeking for the best Commercial RO plants, which can produce a lot less effluent. For further discussion, please contact us at 9650608473 or send an email to with your inquiry.