An advanced wastewater treatment system is carried out utilizing cutting-edge technology, between the main and final stages of wastewater treatment.
When the wastewater/effluent produced cannot be effectively treated by pre-treatment elements, it is treated at a high degree. Nitrogen, faecal coliform, pollutants, sediments, and nutrients, are all successfully removed from the wastewater using this technique.
What are various advanced wastewater treatment systems?
The advanced wastewater treatment system includes media filters, artificial wetlands, aerobic treatment units (ATUs), and lagoons.
1- Units for aerobic treatment (ATUs)
The following procedures are all combined to form an aerobic treatment unit:
1. Unit for the removal of solids.
2. Unit for Aeration.
3. Unit for Return of sludge.
A high-quality effluent is produced when all the procedures are applied simultaneously. They take place in a single tank that is divided into four distinct chambers. An aerobic treatment train is made up of a number of tanks, with a passageway for wastewater to move through them.
Process of wastewater treatment in aerobic tanks
1: The dissolved and undissolved elements are transformed into gaseous, cell mass, and non-degradable forms by biological activities, in an ATU system.
2: Microbial cells are created and then separated from the treated effluent, as part of biological processes.
3: Numerous facultative and aerobic bacteria participate in the treatment process. Together, they break down the substances in the effluent. To survive and break down these materials, these organisms need an aerobic atmosphere.
4: Additionally, they nitrify ammonia, which lessens the quantity of pathogenic organisms.
5: Significant volumes of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS), which are difficult to remove by physical processes like sedimentation, can be removed with the help of an ATU system.
2- Constructed wetlands or Man-made Wetlands
1: A cell or basin built particularly to treat wastewater is known as a constructed wetland. It has plants, culture media, and microorganisms that are used to treat the entering effluents.
2: A layer of graded gravel media or porous media is filled in the cell, to resist the corrosive and dissolving wastewater characteristics, if the created wetland is intended to capture subterranean flow.
3: An influent distribution system and an effluent collection device make up a construction wetland basin.
4: Before entering the wetland, the wastewater is allowed to travel through a tank's treatment process.
5: To get rid of pathogens and nutrients, the wetland also uses filtration, nitrification, denitrification, and adsorption.
3- Stabilization ponds or a lagoons
The lagoon is utilized as a final wastewater treatment and dispersal option, or as one of the advanced pretreatment options.
A lagoon is a sizable wastewater basin where the wastewater is treated chemically, physically, and biologically. Through this procedure, wastewater is transformed into water of high quality that is suitable to the environment.
Lagoons can be divided into different types based on whether they have an oxygen-containing system:
1. Aerobic
2. Facultative
3. Partial-mix aerated
4. Anaerobic
A lagoon that is aerobic remains aerobic throughout its depth. They are between one and three feet deep, allowing light to pass through the whole water column.
A facultative lagoon has two zones, with the top zone being aerobic and the bottom zone being anaerobic.
Industrial and agricultural treatment systems use partial-mixed aerated and anaerobic lagoons, whereas onsite treatment systems use facultative and aerobic lagoons.
4- Media Filter
1: In a media filter, the treatment process is carried out by bacteria on a media surface, inside a lined or waterproof structure.
2: Bacteria can colonize and go through biochemical and physical processes, on the media. According to pre-set standards and requirements, the media filter is created.
3: On the media surface, the primary treatment wastewater is dispersed uniformly. Microorganisms and bacteria can grow on the surface. The wastewater is treated by the organisms that are growing in the media, as the water trickles through it.
4: The wastewater is collected by the filter base and then transferred for additional treatment, or to a soil absorption region.
Reverse osmosis is a method that uses water that is drawn from the ground, to remove all of the minerals and deionize it before making it safe for consumption. People would not be able to remove the dangerous components present in natural water, without this essential procedure, and as a result, they risk getting sick.
Desalination, the process by which ocean water is converted into pure, fresh water, uses this method. Clean water is left behind after reverse osmosis helps remove the salt from ocean water. Reverse osmosis is also utilized in the treatment of wastewater, and can assist in recycling water to make it clean and safe, once more.
5- Filtration using membranes
Membrane filtration is an efficient technique that aids in producing clean drinking water. As it assists in separating particles from water to produce different liquids, such as beer, milk, and juice, this method is frequently employed to enhance the quality of food.
Reverse osmosis, microfiltration, nanofiltration, and ultrafiltration are the four forms of membrane filtration. For different sized particles, a different kind of filtration procedure is employed.
Reverse osmosis is employed because the saltwater particle size distribution is the smallest. Microfiltration is utilized because river water could contain bigger particles.
Although, there are many uses for water filtration in the food business, one is to aid in the production of beverages and dairy goods. This procedure is utilized at many phases of the production of food and drink goods, to ensure that they are secure for consumption and sale.
7- Oxidation of water
Water can be converted into the elements hydrogen and oxygen, through a process called water oxidation. The procedure breaks the water down once more into its component parts, so that it can be utilized in different ways. This method can be applied everywhere where oxygen is frequently required, such as when filling oxygen tanks.
People are searching for alternative fuel sources, including hydrogen, because air pollution and climate change are now affecting the environment. By supplying water and hydrogen where it is required, this treatment procedure serves to improve the environment as a whole.
Environmental engineering makes the world a better place by enhancing peoples' quality of life. In essence, it enhances environmental processes that are essential to life.
Advanced water treatment techniques, which facilitate the acquisition and use of water, are one area of focus.
Choosing the best manufacturer of advanced wastewater treatment plants in India
Netsol Water is one of the top businesses offering effective wastewater management solutions. Our advanced wastewater treatment products aid in the rapid breakdown of organic waste, the decrease of sludge volume, the elimination of unpleasant odours, and many other advantages.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.