What comes to your mind when you hear "composting?"
Is it a backyard, with a pile of rotting lawn clippings? Or, that strange bin besides the garbage and recycling?!
In reality, all of these and more are covered by the composting umbrella. So, in this blog, we will talk about composting and its types, be it small scale or large scale composting methods.
What is composting?
Compost is decomposed organic matter. Organic material could be a twig or a banana peel. When a lot of these materials are combined in a compost pile, they naturally degrade, producing a nutrient-rich fertilizer that helps plant growth. Almost anything that grows on the ground can be composted.
Types of Composting
Small-Scale Composting
Individuals will most likely have direct contact with small-scale composting. This is a greener option than simply throwing everything out, and it's an inexpensive way to generate fertilizer if you grow your own plants.
The following are the types of small-scale composting:
· Onsite Composting
This is your typical compost pile, often known as "Open Air Composting" or "Direct Composting." This approach mainly consists of making an aerated pile of compost somewhere outside, either in a small hole or on bare earth.
It is the cheapest, easiest, and most popular small-scale composting method. This is ideal for persons who want to start composting, or for homes with little compost production.
· Worm farm Composting
It involves the use of a specially designed structure for worms to break down food scraps, yard waste, paper, and other organic material into high-quality compost, known as "castings."
Vermicomposting uses red worms rather than your typical nightcrawlers to break down the compost. A pound of mature red worms may consume half a pound of organic material every day.
Large-Scale Composting
Individual composting is an excellent start, but community composting is where it becomes most efficient. While, these approaches need a greater initial overhead cost and management limits their accessibility, once the systems are in place, the process can be expedited.
The following are the types of large-scale composting:
· Aerated Static Pile Composting
This kind of composting employs a methodical and large-scale strategy that is ideal for particular landscaping enterprises, farms, or towns. This system works by uniformly combining organic waste into big piles, which are then aerated with layers and bulking agents, and placed over a network of pipes with blowers to circulate airflow.
· Windrow Composting
It is a popular large-scale solution for high-traffic neighbourhoods and enterprises, such as restaurants. The organic waste is heaped into large rows called "windrows," which are four to eight feet tall and fourteen to sixteen feet wide.
These dimensions allow the heaps to be large enough to keep the temperature stable, while remaining small enough to allow for natural ventilation. Because, this procedure generates a lot of compost, many municipalities give it away for free!
Pros and Cons of Small and Large-Scale Composting
A: Pros
- They offerunrivalled control over the composting process by adjusting aeration, climate, by-products, and odours, with both indoor and outdoor units.
- They require less space to operate and work.
- They are able to manage practically any organic waste, including meat and manure.
- They produce useable compost quickly (only needing a few weeks from start to finish).
B: Cons
- The devices are pricey and require technical skills to operate and maintain effectively.
Composting has a long and varied history, maybe dating back to the time when humans first started farming. There are numerous advantages and fundamentals to learning about composting, but to get the complete picture, you must comprehend its full extent, from modest, at-home efforts to massive, community-wide operations.
Now, that you know what composting options are available, it's time to explore what you can accomplish. Start composting at home if you have the space and the initiative, but if you rent or don't have the time, find a local service.
How can we assist?
Netsol Water is devoted to solid waste disposal that is both safe and responsible. To do this, we provide a wide range of modern solutions, including solid waste management, wastewater treatment, sewage treatment, and much more.
We also advise our clients on how to avoid pollution by taking a sustainable approach, and using current remediation methods, including food waste converters, composting bins, green recyclers, etc. For additional information, call on +91 9650608473 or send an email to enquiry@netsolwater.com