Air pollution is defined as the contamination of the atmosphere with abnormal concentrations of substances, which are harmful to human and other organisms' health.
Sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, ammonia, chlorofluorocarbons (often abbreviated to CFCs), and methane are common examples of air pollutants. Air pollution is a major environmental concern because it can cause a variety of diseases in humans, some of which are fatal. As a result, preventing air pollution is critical, especially in air polluted cities like Delhi.
Is it necessary to combat air pollution in Delhi?
Delhi's air quality remains "severe," with stubble burning accounting for 30% of the capital's PM-2.5 pollution. Delhi is becoming choked by smog, which is creating catastrophic health effects.
As per the records, breathing the air in Delhi is equivalent to smoking 50 cigarettes in a day. Therefore, it has become necessary to combat air pollution in Delhi.
Government banned some activities to combat air pollution in Delhi
1: Four-wheeled diesel light motor vehicles are prohibited in Delhi-NCR; BS-VI, essential, and emergency services vehicles are exempt.
2: Delhi-registered diesel-powered medium and heavy goods vehicles are prohibited.
3: Trucks other than electric and CNG trucks are prohibited from entering Delhi; those transporting essential commodities are exempt.
4: Closure of all industries in NCR that are not running on clean fuels has been ordered, even in areas without PNG infrastructure and supply, other than the fuels on the standard list of approved NCR fuels.
However, industries such as milk and dairy units, as well as those involved in the manufacture of life-saving medical equipment or devices, drugs, and medicines, will be exempt from these restrictions.
5: Construction and demolition of linear public projects,such as highways, flyovers, bridges, power transmission, and pipelines are prohibited, in the Delhi-NCR region.
6: The government has advised children, the elderly, and those with respiratory, cardiovascular, and other health issues, to stay indoors.
Government Suggestions to combat air pollution
1: Start using public transport or carpooling to travel around.
2: Earlier, Delhi’s government started an odd-even rule to reduce air pollution.
3: Usage of AC should be restricted, everyone should use fans.
4: Be more cautious towards wood fires and avoid smoking.
5: Government has started sprinkling water all over the roads, in order to combat air pollution.
6: Everyone should sprinkle water in their surroundings so that pollution can be prevented.
7: As everyone is aware of the wedding season, it is suggested to avoid crackers.
8: Being an indoor resident, open all the windows for proper ventilation.
9: Only use natural products and avoid using toxic cleaners.
Install Air Pollution Control Systems to combat Delhi’s air pollution
Air pollution control devices is an umbrella word for equipment and systems, used to limit and remove the emission of potentially harmful compounds into the air, atmosphere, and surrounding environment through manufacturing, process system, and research applications.
Control equipment is used in a variety of industries to prevent the discharge of chemicals, gases, and dust as well as to filter and purify the air in the workplace and homes.
Delhi’s Government has started taking steps to combat air pollution. Now, it’s high time for everyone to take some action as individual habits can have a significant impact. They will have an impact locally, if not globally, in the environment where you live.
How can we assist?
Netsol Water is dedicated to offering practical solutions for air pollution management, thus, safeguarding the world's most valuable resource, the air. We provide biofilters, scrubbers, incinerators, and many more to control air pollution in Delhi, and other cities of India.