Anaerobic digestion happens naturally, in landfills, and in some animal manure management systems, but it may be maximized, regulated, and confined with the use of an anaerobic digester. It produces biogas, which is composed of 50-70 % methane, 30-40% carbon dioxide, and trace quantities of other gases. The digested liquid and solid substance, known as digestate, is widely utilized as a soil amendment.
Anaerobic digestion leads in the energy generation
Some organic wastes degrade more slowly in a digester than others. Food waste, fats, oils, and greases, are the most easily broken-down organic wastes, whereas animal manure is the most complex. Co-digestion is the process of combining several wastes in the same digester, to improve biogas output. Warmer digesters, which are normally kept between 30 and 38oC (86-100oF), can also aid in waste breakdown.
After capturing biogas, it generates heat and energy for use in motors, micro turbines, and fuel cells. Biogas may also be converted into bio methane, commonly known as renewable natural gas (RNG), which can then be injected into natural gas pipelines, or utilized as a car fuel.
How much energy can anaerobic digestion produce?
The overall energy g?enerated varies greatly, depending on factors, such as what is being treated.
Anaerobic digestion is a waste treatment procedure that uses bacteria, which flourish in the absence of oxygen to break down organic waste. Manure, sewage bio-solids, and food waste, can all be used as feedstocks. One advantage of anaerobic digestion is its ability to manage high-load streams, while producing valuable products like energy. It can provide significantly more energy than is required to power the process.
But how much more can we expect?
The most successful type of anaerobic digestion energy recovery is biogas production.
Purifying methane in biogas yields bio methane, a kind of natural gas that may be utilized interchangeably with natural gas, and even put into the natural gas distribution system.
High-Load Stream Treatment
Anaerobic digestion, even without energy recovery, is a strong wastewater treatment procedure, for difficult-to-treat wastewater streams with high nutrient loads. When paired with energy recovery, the advantages multiply.
Factors influencing energy yield while power generation
The feedstock characteristics are crucial for anaerobic digestion’s energy recovery. The characteristics listed below, have a substantial influence on energy yield potential, which include:
- The amount of water,
- Total solids,
- Volatile solids,
- Size of the particles,
- Biodegradability.
Chemical oxygen consumption (COD)
Temperatures, hydraulic retention time, mixing length, loading rate, pH, and pretreatment, are all important considerations. Smaller digesters, for example, frequently result in shorter retention times, lowering biogas output.
Increasing energy production
Although most organic materials may be digested anaerobically, high digestibility is critical for success, and yields from more difficult-to-digest feedstocks can be improved by mixing them with other feedstocks, a process known as co-digestion.
When there is insufficient waste on-site, to make energy recovery desirable, anaerobic digestion facilities can work with other local waste sources for co-digestion, and improve digester capacity and retention durations, hence enhancing yields. The potential output of a feedstock often increases with increasing dry matter content, including food waste, which is an effective substrate for co-digestion.
How can Netsol Water assist?
Anaerobic digestion is an appealing choice if there is enough feedstock available.
Netsol has extensive experience with a wide range of solid waste management systems. We can design treatment facilities, which will meet all of your requirements, while also properly treating various types of waste. We are committed to providing our valued clients with hands-on care, expert counselling, and training. During wastewater treatment or sewage treatment, biogas is released while using anaerobic digestion, which results in saving energy.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.