Reverse osmosis water provides reliable water purification, but often waste unnecessary water. RO water purification is the most reliable of all water purification technologies. Also, if your home or office water has high TDS, you have no choice but to use RO water purifier or to install RO plant.
Why do we need to reuse Reverse Osmosis wastewater?
Reverse osmosis water not only provides safe, clean and tasty water, but also protects you from potentially fatal water-related illnesses. However, using RO water has one major drawback.
It is an excessive waste of water, with only 25% of the water being purified and 75% of the water wasted.
How should reverse osmosis wastewater be stored?
The simplest solution is to put the effluent tube in a bucket. However, if the daily drinking water requirement is 20 litres, the RO water will produce about 60 litres of wastewater on average. The most difficult thing is to monitor the buckets so they don't overflow.
In commercial setting this waste water is too much which should be diverted mostly for gardening purposes and some other miscellaneous works.
Many users may find this impractical. The RO drain can be extended into a large tank outside the residential, commercial or industrial area.
This water storage can be reused in one of the following ways:
RO Reject: Easy way to reuse water
1: Recycling wastewater by washing the car
Manylitres of water can be used in one car wash. Daily car washes are not only a waste of water, they are unnecessary. If you have an RO water plant in your home or office or industry, you can collect wastewater in tanks or buckets and reuse it to wash.
Water with a TDS of 1200-1500 ppm can be safely used for car washing. If the TDS content in the wastewater is high, it can be mixed with tap water to dilute it. This should reduce the TDS value.
2: Recycling waste water by irrigating plants
Watering plants with RO-reject helps keep the garden indoors or in the courtyard green. This tip is especially useful for people living in the city, as TDS is usually low in city water. Use RO reject for 15-20 days to see how it affects plant growth. Each plant reacts differently to this change. This gives you a clear idea of ??which plants respond better to RO wastewater. For gardening/irrigation applications, TDS values ??of up to 2100 ppm are allowed.
You also need to check the content of sodium. It must be less than 60%. High sodium content reduces soil porosity and adversely affects soil fertility in the long run.
3: Wastewater recycling with purification equipment
Collect RO reject in a bucket or tank and place the RO rejectbucket near the outlet pipe for easy use when cleaning utensils and other knick-knacks in industry.
4: Reuse RO water by wiping the floor or cleaning equipment’s in an industry
It is easy to wipe the floor with RO waste water, saving tens of litres of clean water every day. If the TDS content in the wastewater is high (more than 2000 ppm) then dilute wastewater with an equal amount of tap water. Normal reverse osmosis wastewater with a high TDS content can leave dirt and salt particles on the floor. Wipe the floor every other day with RO discarded water. This reduces the chance of dirt and salt build-up.
Also this water can be used in industries for cleaning equipment’s or it can be used as a process water.
5: Recycling wastewater by flushing the toilet
The use of flushing the toilet is the main source of clean water in modern homes as well as any company or industry. Each flush flushes approximately 5-7 litres of drinking water into the drain. By flushing the toilet with RO waste water, this waste of clean water can be effectively reduced. When you start the toilet for the first time, be aware of the discoloration of the porcelain surface after a few days. Regular cleaning with a commercially available toilet cleaner will prevent discoloration and salt build-up.
Given the importance of preventing pollution of our water bodies and preserving our precious water resources, RO plants and reutilization of RO reject water must be prioritized.
For more related information contact the water treatment experts at Netsol Water.
We can help you create a RO-reject water reuse system.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at enquiry@netsolwater.com for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.