Do we need River Water Quality improvement in India?
India has abundant water resources, including a network of rivers and snow cover in the Himalayan range, which can supply the country's diverse water requirements. However, due to country's rapid population growth and the need to fulfil rising irrigation, human, and industrial consumption demands, limited water supplies in many parts of the country are depleting, and water quality is deteriorating.
The discharge of untreated sewage and industrial effluents is polluting Indian rivers.
Polluted Waterways cause major health problems
Indians around the country would walk down to the local stream or river to gather drinking water, wash their clothes, take a bath, or simply swim and enjoy themselves just a few decades ago. Today, performing anything like this is unthinkable and might be dangerous to one's health. India's rivers, like many others throughout the world, have become contaminated bodies of water, despite the fact that they have long been revered in Indian culture. Indians, on the other hand, are unable to ignore these rivers.
They are the nation's lifelines, and the health of our rivers is inextricably linked to India's destiny.
However, this is not an insurmountable obstacle. It can be solved in a short amount of time and with existing technologies. Stringent laws are required, as well as the determination to put them into effect.
We don't need to go out and clean the rivers. If we stop polluting them, they'll clean themselves in a single flood season.
What is the state of India's water pollution?
Nearly 80% of India's surface water is polluted, and an alarming percentage of the country's groundwater supplies is contaminated by organic and inorganic pollutants. Each year, unsafe water kills more people than all other forms of violence combined.
Under the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1974, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is in charge of restoring and preserving the wholesomeness of aquatic resources. It is critical to assess water quality on a frequent basis to ensure that it is maintained or restored to the desired level. CPCB regulates the use of various techniques to improve river water quality.
What can be done to improve the quality of river water?
1:River water treatment is the process of removing contaminants from flowing or stagnant river water by combining traditional and advanced treatment processes such as coagulation, flocculation, clarification, settling, filtration, and disinfection of water to form an environmentally safe and pure water suitable for drinking and multiple uses in domestic, institutional, and industrial applications.
2: Use mitigation methods to control farm pollutants.
3:To lessen land run-off, plant trees on hills and near streams.
4: Eliminate or neutralize any limiting factors, such as point source discharges or agricultural effluent that will inhibit natural regeneration of the area in the short and long term.
5: More effective stock management, such as by fencing off streams and waterways to prevent direct water pollution.
6: Use caution while using fertilizers and insecticides.
7: Be mindful of the depth of the water table and prevent overusing water during dry seasons.
8: Remove land from improper usage or repurpose it (e.g. pasture to forest).
9: Careful planning of urban development and subdivisions to ensure that they have the least possible impact on nearby waterways
10: Invasive species or pests are still being controlled or removed.
What can we offer as a Water Treatment company?
If India is serious about addressing river pollution, public-private partnerships must be developed and managed in a long-term and effective manner. The way India's roadways have been created in such a short period of time is an example of how such efforts might be implemented.
We hope that in the next years, Netsol Water will be able to assist our rivers in regaining their pristine image as motherly figures capable of absorbing everyone's impurities and providing them with a clean future.It is not only about our survival that we keep our rivers clean; such symbolism is necessary to keep the human spirit alive.
By contacting us, you can have an expert solution,as we are the leading manufacturer of Industrial and Commercial Water Treatment Plants and Wastewater Treatment Plants, among other services. Our treatment systems are very effective at removing all types of chemical, physical, and biological pollutants.
We provide creative solutions for the effective use of treated water in different process applications while ensuring needed quality at Municipal River and Lake Water treatment Plants: