What are 5 ways to reduce air pollution?
Pollution is now a common term that our ears are used to. Everyday we hear and read about the various forms of pollution. Air pollution is one such form that refers to the physical, biological or chemical alteration to the air, irrespective of indoors or outside. When toxic gases, dust, or smoke enter the atmosphere, the air becomes polluted, making it harder for plants, animals, and humans to thrive.
We may even fail to count the ill-effects of air pollution and the striking figures floating around this environmental issue. In order to improve air quality, actions need to be taken on a national and global scale. But actions at the community and individual level are also important.
While air pollution is a serious problem, it is a problem that we can solve if we take certain actions to reduce emissions and improve air quality!
1: Burn less fuel
Pollution from burning of fossil fuels is harmful to the atmosphere. These steps can help you in reducing the harmful impact of fuel on environment:
-Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other scrap materials.
-Avoid using gas-powered equipment.
-Reduce or eliminate the use of fireplace and wood stove.
-Mulch or compost leaves, vegetable and yard waste.
-Use filters for chimneys, this will help to reduce the effect of harmful gases absorbing in the air.
-Switch to water based products, this will limit the need for oil products.
2: Lessen the impact of cars
Cars and vehicles emit carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other pollutants in their exhaust:
-Carpool, make use of public transportation, bike, or walk whenever possible.
-Reduce the number of trips you take in your private vehicle.
-Use cars with increased fuel efficiency or electric cars that do not rely on fossil fuels.
-Keep the engine tuned and the tires properly inflated to decrease fuel consumption.
-When driving, accelerate gradually and follow the speed limit.
3: Use less energy
The most basic solution for air pollution is to move away from fossil fuels, replacing them with alternative energy sources like solar, wind and geothermal.
By taking these steps you can consume less energy eventually reducing air pollution:
-Choose efficient appliances and heating systems.
-Turn off electrical appliances if you are not using.
-Turn off computers, printers and fax machine, after use.
-Get an energy audit and inquire about alternative energy solutions like solar or wind.
-Replace energy consuming incandescent lights with energy efficient florescent light bulbs.
-Conserve energy. Look for the ENERGY STAR label when buying any electronic or electric equipment.
-Using a fan or AC at an efficient setting can conserve energy.
4: Recycle and Reuse
The idea behind recycle and reuse is not just to use resources judicially but also it helps in reducing pollution emissions. Some examples of ways to recycle and reuse are:
i) Buy products with recycled materials. This helps to reduce raw materials consumption.
ii) Carry a spare cloth bag instead of plastic bags for shopping.
iii) Choose products with minimal packaging.
5: Awareness
-No one wants to live near an incinerator, an oil refinery, a port, a toxic waste dump, or any other polluting facility. For this to happen. we need to keep our environment clean.
-Make people around you aware about the growing pollution and how they can contribute to clean air initiatives to take care of these issues so that we can leave our world a better place for our coming generations.
How can Netsol Water help?
Netsol is a pure-play technology company that offers a variety of waste, wastewater, water and air-related solutions around the world, including resource conservation, optimization, recycling, and reuse.