What is solid waste and why is it such a big threat?
Organic waste which is generated at households such as food waste, kitchen waste, vegetable waste, fruit peels and paper constitutes around 52% of the total waste and comesunder the category of solid waste. These kinds of organic waste can undergo fermentationprocess which can create an environment in which microbial pathogens can survive andthrive.
Urbanization and the ever-evolving consumption patterns in India have led to a huge amount of solid waste generation. The “Swachhata Sandesh Newsletter” which was released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in January 2020 shows that around 1,47,613 metric tonnes of solid waste are generated per day, from 84,475 wards across India.
Improper solid waste disposal poses a great threat to public health. Coming in direct contact with such solid waste can cause various types of infections and chronic ailments.
What are the negative effects of improper solid waste disposal on human health?
There are sev?eral adverse effects of solid waste:
1: Rodents and health issues: Solid waste at roads, at different places of India becomes a common breeding ground for mosquitoes, cockroaches and rats. These rodents are widely popular for spreading diseases such as Malaria, Dengue and can cause food poisoning as well. Moreover, this littering and improper solid waste disposal can cause disease-carrying pests to affect public health on a large scale.
2: Infections: Exposure to such toxic substances and pollutants can affect human health, for instance coming in direct contact with such waste can lead to various skin and blood infections. Children are the most vulnerable to pollutants according to experts.
3:Dump yard disposal:According to a report released by a planning commission in 2014, showed that more than 80 per cent of waste collected in India is disposed of in dump yards improperly which leads to health hazards.
4:Water pollution and diseases: The garbage during the rainy season which contains harmful substances is washed down and floats in nearby ponds and rivers which can lead to various diseases like Cholera, Diarrhoea and dysentery.
5: Air pollution:Landfills are the least preferred method for solid waste disposal according to a report by MoUHA in 2016 because it can cause air pollution and the people living near the landfills may inhale pollutants and toxic gases like hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
6:Toxic emission levels: Human health is at risk due to the high toxic emission levels by the various types of incinerators used for municipal waste management.
Various preventive solid waste management measures should come into implementation so that we can avoid improper solid waste disposal. Treating waste at the source is one of the most preferred methods of managing solid waste.
Not only this but composting is one of the most effective methods which can be practisedat our homes to prevent the burden of waste on communities, authorities and governments.Organic waste must be kept aside for composting. Once the compost is ready it can be used as a fertilizer.
Everyone at their individual level should take the responsibility of protecting the human population and our environment from the negative effects of solid waste.
Technical assistance and guidance
Netsol Water collaborates with a wide range of international organizations to tackle complicated problems by strategically integrating modern treatment technology with practical solutions. We provide solutions for solid waste disposal, in commercial as well as industrial facilities. We strictly believe in the concept of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”, and try to follow them, starting from our own homes.
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