What is a side stream filtration for cooling towers?
A Side Stream Filter removes soluble and insoluble metals as well as debris over time using a series of variable micron rated filters. The side stream filtration unit is made up of filter housing and a suspended magnetic filter bag that filters the hot or cold water system.
What is the process of side stream filtration?
i. There are two valves on the side stream filtration unit.
ii. Each compartment has its own filtration system.
iii. The first compartment houses a rare earth magnet that aids in the removal of both soluble and insoluble metal.
iv. The water then flows into the second compartment via the stainless steel plate.
v. This houses the bag filter, which collects non-magnetic debris.
vi. Following that, the clean water will return to the cooling or heating system.
Module by design
For many years, modular design has been used with cooling towers, boilers, and air compressors, among other things. The reasons for this are flexibility and redundancy.
Because of modularity, a system can be more precisely matched to the required load. If the demand grows, additional modules can be added to meet the new demand without having to replace the entire system. Alternatively, if the load drops, modules can be turned off individually to reduce excess product and then restarted without disrupting the system.
One common misunderstanding is that having a single large unit means having less equipment to inspect and maintain. The reality is that modular maintenance is less expensive and less invasive because it allows you to work on a single unit without having to shut down the entire system. Smaller modules imply smaller components, which are easier to work on and less expensive to replace.Modularity often takes up less space and offers greater installation flexibility. Modularity simply makes sense.
Why is a cooling tower side stream filter required?
1. Allows the cooling tower to perform at its peak.
2. The chilled water system's side stream filtration requires continuous water filtering to remove harmful bacteria.
3. Removes harmful debris and solids from the system, allowing water to circulate freely.
4. Corrosion within the chilled water system is reduced.
5. The Side Stream Filtration Unit improves heat efficiency in the water loop.
6. The need for cleaning is reduced (badly affected cooling towers may require monthly cleaning).
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