What are requirement for the installation of Water Softening Plant?
Water softening is widely employed in a variety of industries, including industrial and agricultural production, as well as everyday life. As technology advances and the country places a greater emphasis on environmental preservation, society's need for various new types of boilers grows, and increased demands are placed on boiler water supply equipment, which must meet water quality requirements and perform consistently and reliably.
Netsol Water uses the most advanced valve bodies and control devices, equipped with resin, according to the characteristics of domestic and industrial users' working conditions and consumables, in order to meet the requirements of economical operation and strong adaptability.
Requirements for the installation of Water Softening Plants
1. Technical indicators for Water Softeners
-Raw water hardness of less than 12 mmol/L;
-0.03 mmol/L outlet water hardness;
-0.20-0.5 MPa working water pressure;
-220V, 50Hz working voltage;
-Temperature of work: 0°C to 50°C;
-Turbidity of raw water 5 degrees (a filter should be installed when the sand content of the raw water is high);
-100 g/N salt consumption (related to raw water hardness);
-2% of total water use;
-30W power consumption
2. Guide to Design Selection
a: Selecting the Right Equipment
The selection of softened water equipment is mostly based on the amount of water required, the hardness of the raw water, and the circumstances in which it will be used.
-There are several models of equipment with the same water output that can be chosen based on actual water usage.
-The time control type can be set based on the maximum water production of the equipment when the hardness of the raw water is 3mmol/L.
-When the hardness of the raw water is less than 6 mmol/L, the model can be chosen based on the equipment's maximum water production capacity.
-When the hardness of the raw water is less than 8 mmol/L, the type can be chosen based on the equipment's average water production capacity.
b: Situation with regard to water use
If the boiler is fitted with a hot water boiler or other similar equipment, the model can be chosen based on the equipment's highest water production capacity; if water is supplied to the steam boiler, the water production capacity is usually 1.2 times the boiler evaporation capacity.
c. Points of design and installation
Because the equipment has a simple form and occupies a little space, there are no particular design or installation requirements. When designing and installing, only pay attention to the following points:
-The equipment requires a simple horizontal base;
-The distance between the wall and the equipment should be around 250450mm, and it can be positioned at the corners depending on the situation;
-Because the equipment is quite light, the weight of the resin and water in the equipment is usually all that needs to be considered;
-The input and outlet pipes are standard flanges or threaded connections that must be secured and supported, as the valve body cannot provide sufficient support to prevent stress;
-On the inlet pipe, a water pressure gauge should be placed. When the equipment is turned on, flushing water is discharged, and a floor drain or drainage ditch is placed nearby.
-The brine tank should be as close as practicable to the softening tank, and the brine pipe should be as short as possible;
-To avoid syphoning, the wastewater pipe should not be longer than 6 metres, there should be no shut-off valve placed, the outlet should not be higher than the valve body, and the terminal should be open;
-Install power distribution sockets near the equipment on the wall, which should be provided with fuses (do not install switches) and have sufficient grounding.
3. The scope of the supply and the needs for on-site installation
a: Scope of delivery
Our company provides multi-way valve bodies, controllers, solenoid valves, resin tanks, salt tanks, salt wells, salt valves, and main pipe fittings as part of their fully automatic water softening system.
b: Installation requirements on-site
The layout of the automatic softening equipment system is simple, and it requires less on-site installation during set-up. Some tasks necessitate user cooperation. The major responsibilities are to ensure proper system performance, enough water pressure, and the installation of pressure gauges for the water inlet; and to ensure that the water supply is free of suspended particulates. It's less than what a water softener needs. If the incoming water has a high level of suspended solids, a filter should be installed; the system's power supply should be provided; and the horizontal foundation required for equipment installation should be given.
The fully-automatic water softening systems, are specially designed and manufactured, has features such as a simple and reasonable structure, automatic operation, high energy and low consumption, consistent water output, corrosion resistance, moderate price, and ease of installation, among others.
How can we help you?
Netsol Water is a well-known name in the water and wastewater treatment industry. In our range of Water Softeners, the ion exchange technique is used. These are easy-to-use, high-efficient, and compact equipment’s that generate soft water quickly and cost-effectively. Our range of Water softeners come in a variety of sizes and materials, are manually controlled or fully automated, and are ready to install.
These water softeners can be employed in;
1: Plants for softening boiler feed water.
2: Cooling water make-up with water softening systems.
3: Food and beverage water softening plants.
4: Hotel and restaurant water softening plants.
5: Air conditioning plant water softeners.
6: Laundry Softeners used in the laundry.