Why use of water softener in gyms?
A gym that is also known as a gymnasium, is a place or location for athletics. The word gym is derived from the ancient Greek gymnasium. They are mainly found in athletic and fitness center, and also in educational institutions. Gym can also be called as a fitness center, which is often a space for indoor recreation. A gym can be in open air as well. A gym is a space that has gymnasia apparatuses like barbells, jumping board, running path, tennis?balls, cricket field, fencing area that are used as exercises. When the weather is good, outdoor locations are the most conducive to health.
A water softener, also known as ion exchange unit. As water softening devices have long been available in the water treatment industry, and due to this the technology is very developed and in maximum cases works well to minimize the hardness level of water.
How does ion exchange process actually works?
A physical and chemical method filter out the water through an exchange media known as resin or zeolite. The resin is a synthetic ?manmade? or natural, sand?like material which is coated with positively charged sodium ions. As the calcium and magnesium gets dissolved into positively charged ions, an ion exchange environment is developed. The water flows through the unit whereas the resin releases its sodium ions and readily trades them for the calcium and magnesium ions. The water that is now flowing out is soft water that is required.
When all the sodium exchange locations are replaced with hardness minerals, the resin is spent and due to this soft water is not obtained. Regeneration takes place at this point of time. During this cycle, resin is washed with a salt solution. The brine is back flushed through the system that takes off with it the calcium and magnesium ions that had been adsorbed on the resin. Once this process is complete, the softener can be returned to use. Some water softeners will itself switch to the operation cycle. Others have a manual switch.
Many brands and models of ion exchange units exist in the market, all essentially perform the same with minor differences in extra features. Almost all softeners fall into one of these two categories.
All water softeners need to be maintained properly. The brine solution must be mixed well and this brine solution needs to be stored properly. Periodic or timely clogging of the resin also needs special attention. Many a times, normal backwashing with water will resolve this problem. If this does not work, slowly stir the resin during the backwash cycle to help break up the material. Bacteria and fungi also form mats in the resin that reduce its effectiveness. Water is disinfected prior to softening or cleaned with chlorine bleach which eliminates all the unwanted materials. Ion exchange work media needs a zeolite or a resin. The resin is made up of a man made or natural sand like material which is coated with a positively charged sodium ions. The calcium and magnesium dissolves these positively charged ions and ion exchange gets created.
Water Softening plants are essential in gyms as many activities occur in gyms which include clearer and cleaner water, for drinking, for bathing, for cold-bathing, etc.
Consult Netsol water for further information!