What is the temperature of wastewater in the Bioreactors?
Many variables might contribute to tough circumstances in a wastewater treatment system. These causes can include substantial fluctuations in flow, excessive organic loading, pH swings, nutritional deficits (insufficient nitrogen and/or phosphate), and high temperatures (low or high). When the temperature of the wastewater entering the bioreactor is too high, the microorganisms in the wastewater treatment system suffer.
Wastewater Temperature Recommendations
The wastewater entering a biological reactor should have a maximum temperature of 95°F (35°C). It should be noted that many wastewater treatment systems are unable to keep their effluent at or below this temperature.
Temperature Ranges for Bacteria
Bacteria are classified into one of four temperature ranges or classifications:
1. psychrophilic,
2. mesophilic,
3. thermophilic,
4. hyper thermophilic or severe thermophilic.
Bacterial Population Diversity
There is no identical bacterial population in a biological reactor. There are various groups of bacteria, with dominance fluctuating in reaction to, or adaptation to, the continually changing content and quality of the wastewater. As the temperature of the wastewater changes, one group of bacteria slows down, and even dies out, while another group gains influence and becomes dominant. This microbial population's variety and adaptability persists up to a wastewater temperature of 95°F.
The combined ability of the numerous microorganisms decreases when the temperature increases over 95°Fand ideal circumstances in the biological system are lost. As a result, treatment capacity will be decreased, resulting in increased effluent organic and total suspended particles values as measured in the secondary clarifier overflow.
The influence of temperature on Biological Wastewater Treatment
1: Temperature changes have an impact on all biological functions. There are three temperature regimes: the mesophilic, which works between 4 and 39°C, the thermophilic, which peaks at 55°C, and the psychrophilic, which functions below 4°C. Most aerobic biological treatment procedures work in the mesophilic region for economic and geographical reasons.
2: The rate of the biological reaction increases with temperature in the mesophilic range, reaching a maximum at 31°C [87.8°F] for most aerobic waste systems. Mesophilic organisms will slow down if the temperature rises over 39°C.
3: The biological floc deteriorates at temperatures exceeding 95°F. Protozoa have been reported to vanish at 104°F, whereas a scattered floc with filaments has been observed to dominate at 110°F.
What do we offer?
Netsol Water is a renowned producer of water and wastewater treatment plants. We have a reputation for being the top commercial RO plant manufacturer, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, and effluent treatment plant manufacturer, among other services. Aside from that, our USP is 24x7 customer assistance.
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