Due to the declining drinking water quality all around the world, there is a growing need for cleaned drinking water. Industrial effluents, deforestation, excessive pesticide use, inappropriate waste disposal techniques, and other causes contribute to widespread water contamination. But, you must know how to remove impurities and toxins from your tap water and wastewater, to improve your water quality and reuse your water.
How can you determine the safety of your water?
Although water contaminants are minute, their impacts on your body are obvious. As a result, the water coming from your faucets could be contaminated with many substances, which are bad for your health.
Here are some of the most prevalent water pollutants that contaminate drinking water:
· Heavy metals
Heavy metals like lead and mercury present in drinking water can be lethal. Despite being elements that exist naturally, they have the potential to be very poisonous. Due to the aged and corroded water pipes, lead can get released into the water ways. On the other side, businesses like thermal power plants discharge mercury into the atmosphere, where it is dispersed by snow or rain. If consumed, these heavy metals can result in serious health issues and even death.
· Pharmacy Medicines
Urine is the route via which pharmaceutical medications are removed when the body processes them ineffectively. Through drainage systems, these medicines ultimately find their way into the water supplies.
With multi-stage RO Plants, serious health hazards associated with ingestion can be avoided.
· Use of herbicides and pesticides
Pests that harm crops are eliminated by farmers using pesticides and herbicides. However, when it rains, more chemicals either soak into the ground or run off into rivers and lakes.
These chemicals can have devastating effects on your body if consumed. Numerous cancers have also been connected to specific herbicides. DDT and other insecticides harm the liver and create reproductive difficulties.
· Chlorine
The chemical chlorine is most frequently used to purify water. However, chlorine can be harmful to your health if used excessively. The reactive chemical chlorine can produce harmful by-products including di-chloramine and tri-chloramine, which can disrupt your body's regular operations.
· Industrial chemicals
The most harmful effluents that contaminate water are industrial chemicals. Numerous enterprises discharge harmful waste into freshwater resources, without first treating it. Several hazardous substances found in this industrial waste have lethal impacts on human health.
How does TDS impact water quality?
Another contaminant that contaminates water is TDS. Dissolved solids, often known as suspended impurities, are pollutants. Netsol Water Commercial RO Plants control TDS levels in your water within acceptable limits.
How to remove impurities and toxins from your tap water?
Impurities in water can have fatal consequences. Homes and businesses that continue to use tap water for drinking put their residents and employees health at danger. Water filtration has become crucial given these hazardous contaminants. Boiling the water or filtering out the sediments is insufficient to provide clean drinking water.
Specialized water filtration systems may be required to remove a lot of dissolved pollutants!
The best water purification system to obtain safe drinking water is a Commercial RO+UV Water Purifier. RO (Reverse Osmosis) plants and UV water filters ensure safe and pure water thanks to multi-stage water purification technology.
Boiling is not as effective as other water purification techniques, in getting rid of the dissolved contaminants in the water. A commercial RO Plant simultaneously eliminates 98% of dissolved pollutants from water. Installing a Commercial RO plant is therefore your best choice, if you want to be certain of the purity of your drinking water.
Commercial RO Plants from Netsol are available for your protection!
With cutting-edge water filtration technology, purchase the best RO plants from Netsol Water. Our RO Plants are ISO certified, BIS approved, and in high demand in the water treatment sector, due to their ability to convert untreated, contaminated water into usable and pure water.
To guarantee you get the most out of your equipment, we also offer installation, training, commissioning, and support. For further information or to make a product purchase, contact us at +91-9650608473 or drop a mail at enquiry@netsolwater.com