Nitrates have a significant potential to migrate to groundwater sources since they are very soluble, and do not adhere to soils. The presence of nitrates can provide major health problems, especially for babies and pregnant women, when these ground waters are intended as sources of potable drinking water.
Similarly, nitrate-containing effluent from industrial processes needs to be properly treated, before being released into groundwater sources or put to use again.
Sources of nitrate
When present in the concentrations seen in drinking water supplies, nitrates, which can come from both natural and artificial sources, have no discernible colour, taste, or odour.
Nitrates and nitrites are likely to stay in water until they are eaten by plants or other creatures, since they do not evaporate. Agriculture-related activities, such as the use of fertilizer and runoff from farms, clogged septic systems, and inappropriate wastewater and industrial waste disposal, are the main sources of nitrate contamination.
Nitrates have a significant potential to migrate to ground water since they are very soluble, and do not adhere to soils. Potassium nitrate and ammonium nitrate, both of which are frequently used as fertilizers, are the main inorganic nitrates that can contaminate drinking water.
Negative effects of nitrates in drinking water sources
Water sources may contain nitrates, but at levels that are typically not harmful to human health. However, depending on the concentration and period of exposure, disease and even death may result. The conversion of nitrates by bacteria in the stomach to poisonous nitrites, causes significant sickness in new-borns.
This can affect the blood's ability to carry oxygen and result in an acute condition, where the child's health declines fast over a few days. The "blue baby" syndrome's symptoms include methemoglobinemia and shortness of breath.
In order to ensure that none of the potential health issues mentioned above occur, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCL) for nitrates, at 10 parts per million (ppm) and for nitrites at 1 ppm.
How to Nitrate extract and remove from water?
Ion exchange and reverse osmosis are two EPA-approved treatment techniques, for eliminating nitrates and nitrites from waters, intended for consumption.
The most popular nitrate removal treatment method is ion exchange. By substituting the anion from the ion exchange resin for the nitrate ions, this method eliminates them from the aqueous phase. Contaminant ions are exchanged for other ions, most frequently chlorides in the resin, as polluted water passes through the resin.
Ion exchange has the benefits of being easy to operate, independent of temperature, automatable, and mostly unaffected by shifting nitrate concentrations.
Reverse osmosis is used to remove nitrate from water by selectively filtering out different inorganics, using a semi-permeable membrane. Water is pushed through the membrane by applying pressure to it. As the water moves through the barrier, the pollutants are essentially left behind.
Since, membranes don't have a high level of selectivity for any particular contaminant; the RO method eliminates a variety of impurities, including nitrates. Reverse osmosis is thought to be capable of removing 85 to 95% of the nitrate. The initial water quality, system pressure, and water temperature can all affect the actual removal rates.
Manufacturer of water treatment plants for nitrate and nitrite removal
Netsol Water produces some of the most cost-effective and efficient water treatment systems, for wastewater mitigation, turning produced water into point source compliant discharge, or re-usable reclaimed wastewater. This complements its well-known water provisioning capabilities.
Every purchase of these systems includes free installation, manufacturer's warranty, and a 24-hour customer service after the sale.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.