Soil pollution is caused by a variety of human activities and experiments that end up poisoning the soil. The most typical sources of soil contamination are industrial wastes, such as hazardous gases and chemicals, as well as agricultural pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides.
To protect the environment and ecosystem, it is critical to prevent soil pollution.
How to prevent soil pollution?
· By reducing the usage of chemical fertilizers, as well as pesticides
The use of bio-fertilizers and manures can help to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Biological pest management approaches can help reduce the use of pesticides, reducing soil contamination.
· Material recovery and recycling
This is a fair way to reduce soil pollution. Materials such as paper, some plastics, and glass are recycled. This reduces the volume of waste produced and aids in the conservation of natural resources. One tonne of recovered paper, for example, can save 17 trees.
· Reforesting
Controlling land loss and soil erosion can be addressed by restoring forest and grass cover, to mitigate wastelands, soil erosion, and flooding. Crop rotation or mixed cropping can boost soil fertility.
· Treatment of solid waste
Solid waste disposal should be managed using proper ways. Industrial wastes can be physically, chemically, and biologically treated to make them less harmful.
Acidic and alkaline wastes should be neutralized first, while insoluble materials, if biodegradable, should be allowed to decompose under controlled conditions before disposal. As a last resort, new places for hazardous waste storage, such as deep well injection and more secure landfills should be examined.
Burying solid waste in locations away from residential areas is the most basic, and extensively utilized method of solid waste management.
· Chemical procedures
The two alternative approaches are to treat the soil in suspension in a suitable liquid and without sludging. In these cases, intimate contact between soil and chemical is required, and should be repeated on a regular basis to ensure that the detoxification process is completed.
· Methods of microbial treatment
Microbial treatment approaches appear to be more promising because they can handle a wide range of organic contaminants, such as phenol, polychlorinated hydrocarbons, oil and oil products, dioxins, and so on. There are two approaches to solving the problems.
1. In the laboratory, a colony of bacteria that already exists on the site is gathered and grown.
2. Microbe strains capable of metabolizing specific substances are created in the laboratory.
Other solutions for reducing soil pollution
Soil deterioration is a complex issue that requires the cooperation of governments, institutions, communities, and individuals. The following are some of the things we can do to promote its health:
• Eat sustainable foods, recycle batteries properly, prepare homemade compost, and dispose of pharmaceuticals in specified sites.
• Promote a more environmentally friendly model for manufacturing, agriculture, and stock breeding, among other economic activities.
• Enhance urban planning, transportation planning, and waste water treatment.
• Improve mining waste management, rehabilitate the landscape, and save topsoil.
• Include indigenous peoples and local communities in the design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable land and soil management.
To control soil contamination, the following steps have been proposed. We can limit construction in sensitive locations to assist minimize soil erosion. In general, if we could all practice the three R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This would result in less solid waste.
It is also critical to organize the numerous researches into a framework or decision support system, which is open and accessible to all citizens. To deal with these uncertainties, a weight of evidence method may be an obvious solution.
How can we assist?
To protect our environment, we offer a variety of modern solutions such as solid waste management, wastewater treatment, sewage treatment, water treatment, etc. For this purpose, we manufacture a variety of water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, effluent treatment plants, solid waste recyclers, green waste recyclers, etc.
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