What is Water Softener?
A water softener is like oil from your car to the water in your home. You can put gasoline in your car and run it once at a time, but at some point, you will need to change the oil. Your car will work after the oil change deadline, but it will not work efficiently.
The same applies to your water softener. Salt can be added from time to time, but at some point, the system needs to be replaced in order to properly soften the water. For this reason, replacing the water softener is another maintenance task to make the water in your home feel healthy.
Working methodology of water softener:
Untreated water enters the brine tank and is saturated with sodium. Saturated sodium water then enters the resin tank, where millions of small polystyrene beds attract sodium molecules and wash away excess salt water. The brine tank is refilled, and untreated water enters the resin tank. There, the water-hardening minerals (calcium and magnesium) are exchanged for sodium and adhere to the pearls until there are no more sodium molecules that allow trading. At that point, the cycle restarts from the beginning as the water softener regenerates by scraping hard minerals from the beds and draining the wastewater.
Longevity of water softener
The water softener can function efficiently for 10-15years. Lifespan depends largely on the regular use of the water purifier. To extend the life of the softener, it is recommended to pour this solution into the system every 4 months.
We highlight three different narrative signs that you need a new water softener for your home. It's easy to forget the water softener and get stuck in a bimonthly regiment that replenishes more salt without thinking about how old or how long the system will last. The water softener begins to lose its efficiency after 10 years.
Why do we need a water softener?
There are three signs that a new water softener may be needed:
1: Dirty dishes and itchy skin
After cleaning, the dishes get dirty, the skin becomes itchy, and soap residue accumulates in the sink faster than usual. These are all signs that you have hard water. Also, if there is hard water, the water softener will not function properly. The problem is that, the system is old and has been used for many years of reliable use, so it is not regenerating softer water than before.
2: Your water softener is old
You have a time-controlled water softener. These systems will be regenerated on a schedule set over 10 years ago. The new system regenerates hard water as needed. This is known as "demand-driven" regeneration. This is ideal as it works "on demand".
3: System is bulky
System is bulky and takes up too much space. If you are using a double tank system, the fabric softener is taking up too much space. A single closet system is demand driven and occupies less space, making it an efficient option for your home.
The new system also includes a low salt indicator, improved iron removal, and water usage monitoring, making maintenance and management easier.
DIY tips to clean water softener:
Fix 1. Clean the salt container
Make sure that the salt does not form a hard dome or crust in the brine vessel. Salt domes can be formed by adding too much salt or adding too often. It looks like it contains salt, even though it has a large air pocket underneath. Break the salt with a broom, open it, and throw it away. Remove all deposits with a workshop vacuum cleaner. Thoroughly clean and rinse the tank (and brine in the tank) with soap and water.
Fix 2. Clean the iron-contaminated resin floor
If the water contains iron, the resin floor will eventually get dirty, the hard water particles will be removed and replaced with sodium. To refresh the bed, run iron out from your system. Follow the instructions on how much to add to the brine tank, then manually regenerate the softener to purify the wastewater. To do this, remove the cover from the control valve and locate the play button. Press the button with a flat-blade screw driver and turn it counter-clockwise to "service".
Fix 3. Cleaning injector of resin tank
The injector may become clogged with dirty salt deposits. To clean, first close the fabric softener bypass valve to shut off water. Then manually regenerate the fabric softener to release the water pressure. Finally, remove the caps on both sides of the soft finish head. Thoroughly clean the injector (on the right side of the head) and the injector screen (on the left side).
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