Demineralization:In water treatment process demineralization refers to the removal of dissolved solids from feed water and process streams. The term demineralization is typically reserved specifically for ion exchange processes used for near total removal of ionic mineral contaminants (anions and cations).It is only reason the term deionization is analogous to this process.
Basic System: The specific design and components of demineralization system can vary from one application to the next based on the process conditions and composition of the stream to be treated. The arrangement can be varying but still, most systems will include the following components:
- 1. Ion exchange columns
- 2. Dosing system
- 3. Chemical feed system
- 4. Valves and piping system
- 5. Ion exchange resins.
What does it remove?
The system works on resins and their charge. The impurities that are removed are based on charge they carry. Common cationic contaminants include: Calcium (Ca2+), Iron (Fe3+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Manganese (Mn2+), Potassium (K+), and Sodium (Na+) whilst those carrying negative charges will exchange anions and the list is as follows: Alkalinity (CO32-, HCO3–), Chloride (Cl–), Nitrate (NO3–), Sulphates (SO42-), and Silica (SiO2).
These impurities can’t be fed into any working industry as these charged particles are responsible for incrustation and corrosion which will in turn damage the equipment. So, therefore the process of cleaning should be involved in any industry with water requirements.
Buying guide: Every industry has their own specs and feature requirements for purchasing any equipment for their industry. There are ample numbers of options available in the market from where a demineralisation plant can be bought. The list goes out of reach for any article to cover so I have put forth the best competitors in the market for your requirements.
Netsol Water: Netsol has been the trusted brand since its entrance to the market. They vastly cover all the water technology requirement hence makes it easy for consumers to save their time and effort.
Their plants are known for: heavy duty performance, cost effective and easy maintenance. Besides this, Netsol has been known for their services. This includes, a year warranty on all of their products and hassle free service to its consumers which makes it easier for any industry to rely on Netsol water Solutions.
Some other big names in the water industry are Aquashakti Purification systems, Aqasion Watertech Ltd, Water treatment technologies, and Wonderful water.
Before you decide to invest a sum of money, the factors to be covered are:
- 1. Understand the purification requirement clearly before you place an order.
- 2. Calculate all the costs which are the capital of machine, transport charges and installation.
- 3. Before choosing the buyer, try to get more information about them, their services and engineers.
- 4. Visit their website and check their reviews.
- 5. Design life of the plant.
- 6. Salvage value etc.
Out of all factors listed above one must be very accurate about their own requirements, economy and service provided by the partner.