Water softeners are effective in combating the negative effects of hard water (dry skin, dirty laundry, dirty sinks, damage to plumbing and equipment’s). The water softener removes calcium and magnesium ions from the water that causes hard water. These minerals are replaced with salt to make the water smooth and gentle.
Healthy adults can drink a small amount of soft water without any problems.
Water softeners work by exchanging mineral ions for sodium ions. The harder the water, the more salt (sodium). If you use the water softener in a place where the hardness of the water exceeds 400ppm, it is recommended to avoid drinking it completely. High intakes of sodium increase blood pressure and can damage the eyes, kidneys, and heart. Pregnant and lactating females have a strict sodium intake limit of 1500 milligrams per day.
The new-born’s kidneys are underdeveloped and cannot tolerate high sodium intake. They can easily become dehydrated, develop kidney stones, and suffer from hormonal imbalances.
Dogs and cats are generally less tolerant of sodium and their stomachs are accustomed to hard water. Sudden changes can cause diarrhoea and cardiovascular problems.
Instead of taking these risks, it's a good idea to look for alternatives.
Is it safe to consume soft water?
Does the addition of salt and the removal of calcium and magnesium make soft water unhealthy?
For most healthy adults, the amount of sodium in tap water is too low to be harmful or cause health concerns. It is safe to drink that water for healthy adults. People with special cases should not go for this type of water.
Special Cases:
These may be people with high blood pressure who have to eat a low sodium diet, but they have several options. For example, you can separate drinking and cooking tap water from the system and use soft water to enjoy cleaning, bathing, and washing. People who are out of balance with sodium may also consider dietary changes, such as reducing salty processed foods and table salt, to counteract the health effects of salt added during the process of softening water.
According to the World Health Organization, drinking water can contribute to calcium and magnesium intake. Some people recognize these as essential elements that the body needs and wonder if removing them from the water supply can lead to deficiencies or general mineral imbalances. However, adding these elements to your diet is as easy as taking a multivitamin or calcium or magnesium supplement. Mineral water and many health foods such as dairy products, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and leafy vegetables are also excellent alternatives.
In conclusion, the water softening system is safe. Most people can drink hard or soft water without side effects. Elevated sodium levels can be a problem, but using soft water only for drinking, washing, rinsing, and bathing is an easy solution.
The first step in finding out if you need purified salt and a water softener is to determine if the water in your house is hard or soft.
At Netsol Water we will answer all your query and doubts about hard water and its effects. Please contact us for manufacturing, installation and servicing of water softeners.
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