As India grows and urbanizes, its water bodies become more polluted. It is estimated that approximately 70% of India's surface water is unfit for human consumption.
Every day, nearly 40 million litres of wastewater enter rivers and other bodies of water, with only a small percentage adequately treated. In this post, we will look at some of the current scenarios of water pollution in India.
What are the types of freshwater sources available for human use?
Freshwater is essential for agriculture and food production, as well as for human survival in the form of drinking water. It is also required for industrial use and recreation.
Groundwater accessed through wells and tube-wells is a common source of freshwater, as is water accessed through surface water sources such as rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams.
While, rivers contain only a small amount of freshwater, they have been the primary source of freshwater for human civilizations since time immemorial. However, this water may not be safe to drink or for ecosystem survival. It has the potential to become polluted and contaminated.
What is the current scenario of water pollution in India?
1: One in every nine people gets their drinking water from unimproved and unsafe sources.
2: 2.4 billion people do not have access to any form of sanitation.
3: One of the most serious sources of water pollution is a lack of sanitation.
4: 90% of sewage is discharged untreated into bodies of water.
5: Every day, 2 million tonnes of sewage and other effluents are discharged into the water supply.
6: Every year, industry releases an estimated 300-400 mega tonnes of waste into bodies of water.
7: Non-point source pollution from agriculture and urban areas frequently contributes, significantly to total pollutant load when combined with industrial point source pollution.
8: The degradation of freshwater ecosystems, primarily due to pollution of water resources and aquatic ecosystems is estimated, to be responsible for a one-third reduction in global biodiversity.
9: Newly emerging pollutants such as personal care and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, industrial and household chemicals, and changing climate patterns pose a new water quality challenge, with long-term effects on human health and ecosystems still unknown.
10: Millions of people in India and around the world are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, while also lacking access to safe drinking water. Access to safe water is more important than ever, for the health of Indian families.
These factors, together with the current political push to end the crisis, have created an unprecedented sense of urgency to implement effective solutions, to increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation.
What are the health consequences of polluted drinking water in India?
Waterborne diseases are on the rise in India as a result of high levels of biological contamination, in the water. Annually, 37.7 million Indians are affected by waterborne diseases, 1.5 million children die of diarrhoea, and 73 million working days are lost, resulting in a Rs. 900 million economic burden.
Over the last five years, waterborne diseases such as cholera, acute diarrhoeal diseases, typhoid, and viral hepatitis have killed 10,738 people. Acute diarrheal diseases were the leading cause of death, followed by viral hepatitis, typhoid, and cholera.
Water quality is one of the most pressing issues that societies are facing in the twenty-first century, endangering human health, limiting food production, reducing ecosystem functions, and impeding economic growth.
Water quality degradation directly translates into environmental, social, and economic issues. The availability of the world's scarce water resources is becoming increasingly limited, as a result of the worsening pollution of freshwater resources caused by the discharge of large amounts of inadequately treated, or untreated, wastewater into rivers, lakes, aquifers, and coastal waters.
What do we offer?
A wide variety of treatment plants are offered by Netsol Water, including water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, effluent treatment plants, along with advanced physical, chemical and biological treatment methods.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.