How much RO antiscalant-chemical is used to dose in RO Plants?
Chemical RO antiscalants are typically added to reverse osmosis systems or RO Plants before the precision filter. The RO Antiscalant chemical is added to the dosing system through the metering pump in the pipeline of the reverse osmosis plant. It can be used either directly in the original solution or diluted before use, but it is not advised to dilute it more than ten times, meaning that the concentration should not be lower than 10%.
Let us understand the calculations of how much RO antiscalant-chemical is used to dose in RO Plants.
Calculations of RO Antiscalant dosed in RO Plants
The suggested RO Antiscalants concentration is typically 5-20 ppm, which means that 5-20 g of reverse osmosis antiscalants must be introduced for every 1 tonne of water in the RO apparatus.
In order to ensure that the antiscalant is injected into the reverse osmosis equipment smoothly and continuously, we calculate the weekly dosage based on how the equipment is used, estimate the size of the dosing tank based on the weekly dose, and adjust the dosing metering pump.
Calculation of the monthly dose is done using the following formula:
W (monthly dosage, in kg) = Q (intake water flow, in m3/h, of the reverse osmosis equipment x S (for dosing concentration, in g/ton) x H (for working duration, in hours, of the reverse osmosis equipment).
For example: We estimate the utilisation of antiscalants, or dosage amount, for each set of reverse osmosis systems using the 100 tonnes of water. The dosage for the chemical antiscalant used in reverse osmosis is as follows:
100*5*24*30/1000=360 Kg
Where, 5 is the dosing concentration in ppm; 24 is the number of working hours per day; 30 is the number of days per month; and 1000 is the conversion unit g for Kg.
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