Water Consumption in India
In India, direct drinking water use is limited to 24 litres per capita per day (lpcd); nevertheless, 135 lpcd has been proposed as the benchmark for urban water supply and 55 lpcd for rural regions, taking into account other daily human needs. However, considering water is consumed in the manufacture of food, dairy products, clothing and other items of daily human requirements, the per capita daily water footprint is estimated to be 1.24 million lpcd. The agriculture sector is the country's major freshwater user, accounting for over 85 % of total water use. This is mostly due to the development of water-intensive crops such as rice, wheat, sugarcane and cotton, as well as inefficient irrigation.
Increased water usage in India
The country's water consumption is expected to be twice the available supply by 2030. This will result in extreme scarcity, affecting millions of people as well as industrial and economic processes.Water is used to generate 83% of the country's overall electricity generation. Snow meltwater is also used to produce over a third of total coal-based electricity, 24% of nuclear electricity and 22.5 percent of petroleum refining capacity.
Waterborne diseases caused by impure water
India is ranked 120th out of 122 countries in terms of water quality and 133rd out of 180 countries in terms of water availability.Every day, an estimated 40 million litres of wastewater enter Indian rivers and other water bodies, with just a small portion of it being properly treated. 70% of the water in the country is considered polluted or unfit for drinking. Netsol Water Solutions’ water treatment plantshave a track record of delivering innovative and well-installed water treatment systems for a variety of sectors.
Who is the Best Water Treatment Company in India?
Impurities such as sand, suspended particles, dissolved salts; ions and hardness are removed from natural water bodies or other sources of water, before it is used in industries and households. It is required to treat water from numerous sources for future applications due to rigorous pollution and specialized water quality regulations for industries.
NETSOL promotes best-in-class, proprietary technologies for selective contaminant removal and Membrane Filtration processes, to provide you with comprehensive and customized water treatment solutions. Our solutions allow efficient extraction of drinkable water from all available sources of fresh water as well as used water for direct or indirect potable reuse by integrating a wide range of chemical, physical, and biological processes.To maintain a safe and secure supply of water, we adhere to the strictest water treatment standards.
Our water treatment plants are very scalable and they can be set up to fit any business strategy because we provide the following services:
1: Manufacturer and Distributor
Our engineers are skilled in the manufacture and installation of various sorts of water and wastewater treatment plants, so you are assured that your needs will be met.
2: Consultant
We are your go-to people for all things related to turnkey projects. We can assist you in locating the best option for you, based on your needs.
3: Consumables & Parts Delivery
Filter Press Machine, Control Panels, Membranes, Media and other parts and consumables are also available.
4: Treatment of Municipal Water
We recognise the critical significance that municipal water treatment plays in our daily lives. We provide a wide range of water treatment solutions to cities all around India and abroad.
5: Treatment of Groundwater
We offer a comprehensive range of equipment’s for potable groundwater treatment. We have the solution for gas removal, nitrate removal, iron and manganese removal, colour removal, softening and even filtering.
6: Treatment of Surface Water
We also provide a comprehensive solution to potable surface water treatment. We provide conventional treatment systems, combination treatment units, package plantsand even customised solutions, depending on the raw water quality, flow rate and operating preferences.
NETSOL’S water treatment
We have the experience and the capabilities to provide complete solutions for all water treatment applications, including aeration, flocculation, clarification, filtration, thickening and backwash recovery, apart from Industrial and Commercial RO Plants, Water Softeners, DM Plants, Iron Filters, etc.
1: Water Treatment Solutions for Aeration
Aeration is a low-cost and effective way to oxidise iron and manganese. It can also remove gases such as hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, methane and volatile organic carbons with high efficiency, resulting in increased water-treatment process performance as well as improved taste and odour.
2: Water Treatment Systems for Backwash
In today's water treatment plants, water saving is a major priority. Backwash treatment for spent filters can be readily included into your plant design or existing facility. Water recovery efficiency of >99 percent is possible with Netsol Water.
3: Filtration
Filters are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and configurations. Wewill assist you in selecting the appropriate filter. A cluster filter with self-generating backwash, a packed steel tank filter, pressure filters, or a membrane filter are all examples of this.
4: Flocculation and Clarification
Pre-treatment is required for source waters with moderate to high turbidity or organics. We can supply traditional flocculation and clarifier, as well as combination units including solids contact clarifiers and high-rate processes that can fit into very compact spaces.
5: Thickener’s
Gravity sludge thickeners are a simple and cost-effective way to reduce waste solids volume. Our professional’s size thickening equipment’s to obtain the highest sludge concentration while taking up the least amount of space.
Use of Water Treatment Plants
· Cement Factories;
· Fertilizer production;
· Brewery/Distillery;
· Automobile industries;
· Food Preparation;
· Petroleum Refineries;
· Pharmaceutical Industries;
· Power Sector;
· Pulp and Paper;
· Steel Industry;
· Textile Industry;
· Municipal water treatment;
· Surface water treatment;
· Groundwater treatment;
· Agriculture, and much more.
The key to avoiding water-stress scenarios in the country is to reduce water waste, enhance water usage efficiency and manage wastewater. Low energy usage, low operating costs and the most reliable process design ensures the best results in the majority of situations. Whether it's an existing structure or vessel or a new one you're developing, all of our systems are custom-made and the layout can be adjusted to match your demands.
For more information, contact us today on +91 9650608473 or email at enquiry@netsolwater.com to speak with a professional about our various range of water treatment plants and equipment’s.