A water softener removes the minerals that cause water hardness, which is one of the most common water quality issues. Hard water ruins appliances, causes soap scum to build up in bathrooms and kitchens, and dries up hair and skin. Water softeners are essential for Indians who rely on hard water for cooking, washing, and bathing. A water softener saves you time and money by preventing prematurely broken water heaters, scaly faucet heads, and hours of soapy residue clean-up. A water softener will save you time, energy, and money while also protecting your home and property.
What is the Difference Between Automatic and Semi Automatic Softener?
Semi-Automatic Softening System process, such as hard water passing through the cation resin in the exchange tank, the calcium and magnesium in the water will be exchanged, absorbed by sodium in the resin to remove calcium, magnesium and carbonate hardness, which is softening water.
These types of water softeners, unlike the manual water softeners, feature two additional components. A brine tank and a simple time-controlled electric valve are all that's required. There are a few clockwork valves that don't actually connect to the electric source.
The brine tank is where salt is kept, acting as both a salt reservoir and a place where some of that salt can be dissolved into brine. The control valve's job is to allow brine (salt water) to be introduced into the water softener vessel to aid in the mineral regeneration process. This regeneration is triggered by a time clock that is set up such that the water softener regenerates once a day, twice a day, three times a day, and so on.
The majority of homes do not have these types of water softeners installed. Although they are inexpensive to purchase, they can be highly costly to operate.
These water softeners are more expensive than the others, but they are extremely cost effective to operate. A very effective and efficient water metering mechanism is used in these types of water softeners. This is where the water softener monitors the amount of water utilised in the house and reacts accordingly. Much better than the above-mentioned semi-automated water softener system. The essential components are the same as in the semi-automatic water softeners described above, but the control valve is now actuated by the softened water.
The NETSOL water softeners employ an ion exchange technique to soften hard water. Softeners use resins with a chemical ability to capture calcium and magnesium ions and remove them from water in this process. Two sodium ions are released when calcium and magnesium ions are collected by the resins in the water softener. Because of the chemical characteristics of the ions, salts with a higher solubility are produced, which helps to prevent water hardness issues.
You can pick between point-of-use and whole-house water softeners, depending on your preferences. Installing a NETSOL whole house water softener before the overhead storage tank is required if you want soft water throughout your property. Install a NETSOL point-of-use water softener in front of the washing machine or geyser, if you need soft water for bathing or washing clothes.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, and water softener plant manufacturer in India. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at enquiry@netsolwater.com for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.