What is the role of water softener in agriculture?
Without an agricultural water softener, plants have a great deal of difficulty rooting in hard water and trying to absorb minerals!
Water is an essential resource for agriculture!
However, well water is not at its best in most parts of the country. The hard water problem among farmers is a common voice. The problem is that growing plants in hard watered soil means that the hard minerals in the soil impede the growth of the plants.
With Netsol Water Softener installed, you can use water with poor quality without removing the beneficial minerals that your plants need. Therefore, the plant not only grows, but also prospers.
Hard Water is a Problem
Water in which calcium and/or magnesium salts are dissolved is called "hard water". Other minerals such as iron, manganese and zinc also contribute to hardness. Hard water affects soil, pipes, and equipment. Water hardness does not directly affect plants, but minerals that settle on the surface of the soil can form the crust, increase runoff, and reduce soil penetration. This can have an indirect effect on plant growth.
Salt is the concentration of all soluble salts in water or soil, and if left untreated, crop yields will decrease. Plants are affected by salt in many ways. The most important of these is to limit the ability of plants to absorb water. If the salinity in the soil water is too high, the plants will not be able to absorb the water and will eventually die.
Impact on pipes, irrigation, hydroponics, and farm equipment
Hard water problems cause scale build-up in pipes and irrigation systems. If left untreated, this accumulation reduces water flow and ultimately blocks pipes, drippers, and related equipment, which is costly.
Solution- Netsol Water Softener
Netsol offers a variety of catalytic water softeners that reduces the charge of minerals in the water. These water purifiers are designed at different flow rates for minimal hydroponic or drip irrigation systems through the larger pivot points of high flow centres.
>Reduces the accumulation of scale in pipes, drip irrigation systems, central pivot pins and other irrigation and hydroponics equipment, prolongs their useful life and saves maintenance and replacement costs.
>Keeps minerals in solution to increase soil penetration and reduce sedimentation and runoff. It reduces surface tension so that fertilizers and hydroponic nutrients mix better with softer water. It creates an environment where softer, more nutritious water is readily available to the root bulbs, promoting deeper root growth, more nutrient roots, and healthier plants.
Let's water with salt water. It's as easy as science!
Subtle changes in the molecular structure of salts in water change the properties of minerals. This means that instead of building a layer of crust, minerals are absorbed into the soil. This not only softens the soil, creates a healthy environment for growing crops, but also increases yields.
Benefits of installing a water softener
Water softener provides soft water minus harmful elements, which promotes plant growth.
Great Advantages in Floriculture-
Pipes and sprinkler nozzles are protected from scale deposits.
Netsolwater softener is a great static mixer so you can get a great mix of fertilizers. You don't have to buy water from the market, and you can avoid the cost for animals as well as plants.