Chemicals specially designed to stop the formation and sedimentation of crystalized minerals salts are anti-scalants. They prohibit formation of scale in any water treatment body. The anti-scalingis most suitable for feed water sources which are brackish, waste, and salty water of sea. Use of anti-scalants improves efficiency of the water treatment plants against a wide range of substance's that induce scale formation and it keeps fouling material in suspension.
Most commonly used foulants and scalants are calcium carbonate, iron, calcium sulphate, barium sulphate, strontium sulphate, colloidal material, silica, calcium fluoride, silica, and various other contaminants.The anti-scalants are used to reduce the problems that arise due to hard water mostly due to hardness saltsand the formation of scale in all sorts of treatment plants like commercial, industrial and process plants.
Successful scale removal relies on both effectiveness of the cleaning compound end defined and operation of the cleaning equipment.It is a form of pre-treatment of water before sending it for treatment.
Features and benefits of Anti-Scalants:
1- They are used to control scales like silica, calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, strontium sulphateand barium sulphate.
2- Theseare highly efficient anti-scalants and dispersant for water treatment of membrane types.
3- They are designed for high silica feed water.
4- They are very effective in their working and result.
5- It stops slow production and poor permeate quality.
6- This also lowers down the down time and High costs.
7- The reverse osmosis systems run at higher recovery rates which results into lower operating costs at consumer end.These products are available with multiple global regulatory approvals.
8- Non phosphorus products are also available in the market.
9- They work over a wide range of pH.
10- Silica fouling combating properties are found in anti-scalants as they break up the tissue of the fowling material.
11- Keeps the membranes clean
Netsol and Anti scalants:
1- Netsol has a name in water treatment and associated solutions. Our organization’s expertise in thedomain of scaling and its treatment is best and we can supply superior quality RO anti- scalants.Thehigh-grade ingredients are bought from certified and reliable vendors in the market so that these chemicals are in adherence with industry standard and norms.
2- These chemicals are high in demand, as this is the best quality product available in the market as well as they have longer shelf life. Thisfulfilsclient’s requirement.
3- The product can be manufactured by Netsolon demand by the client. The antiseptic inorganic scale deposition of salt and particulate matter on membranes of the water treatment plants is a major concern for customers so we can customize its solution.
4- This product also saves money by protecting the membranes of the plant, as membranes are highly expensive. This also reduces the use of acid for cleaning as it gives higher recovery rates, lowers the energy cost, and decreases the down time due to repeated membrane cleaning.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturer, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.