What is The Use of MBBR Technology in STP?
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is a biological technique used to treat sewage and effluent wastewater created by apartment complexes, business enterprises, or municipal wastewater, and industrial wastewaters.Moving bed film reactors, or MBRs, are another prominent wastewater treatment technology.
Both of these processes treat wastewater to eliminate significant levels of organic content. The primary idea behind MBBR technology in wastewater treatment is to induce bacteria to work on the wastewater and treat it.
Sewage treatment system using MBBR technology
MBBR technology was developed in the 1980s. It is a popular wastewater treatment method since it is both efficient and cost-effective.
In sewage treatment facilities (STPs), MBBR technology uses a moving bed biofilm reactor.It is constructed from an activated sludge aeration system. The sludge is gathered on large interior surface area plastic carriers. The carriers' surface area maximizes the interaction of water, air, and bacteria, which aids in the reduction of organic waste by denitrification.
Depending on the circumstances, MBBR may have more than one stage. The various phases are made up of discrete tanks divided by screens to ensure that germs stay in their designated tank.
Components of MBBR technology in wastewater treatment
1: Tank for aeration
The tank resembles an active sludge tank. The aeration keeps the sludge moving. Excess bacteria and sludge are separated by the MBBR system. This is sent to the last separator.
2: Special Plastic carriers
These offer a surface for the formation of biofilms. Carrier materials in MBBR are constructed of materials with similar densities to water. High-density polyethylene is one example (HDPE). The aeration system propels these carriers through the tank. This guarantees that the wastewater and the bacteria growing on the carriers have excellent contact.
MBBR systems employ a mix of the activated sludge process, which results in suspended growth, and the bio-filter, which results in attached growth. Air bubbles created by agitation allow carriers to move.
MBBR applications
MBBR is suited to wastewater treatment of varying quality. Its application is determined by the intended objectives and national discharge laws.
1: Removal of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
2: Nitrification
3: Denitrification
The MBBR method is mostly used in industrial wastewater purification and municipal wastewater treatment.
Depending on the quality of the wastewater and the disposal requirements, the MBBR process can be employed to get the necessary outcomes.
Advantages of MBBR in various industries
1: Increased capacity;
2: Quality Enhancement - BOD and Nitrogen Removal;
3: Quick recovery from process disruptions;
4: Minimal Footprint;
5: Potential Expansion;
6: Reduced process complexity and operator focus;
7: The MBBR wastewater treatment system achieves effective outcomes while consuming little energy;
8: It conserves water;
9: It is simple to maintain;
10: It is ideal for a large volume of organic load.
11: It is unaffected by toxic shock;
12: Improved nitrification process as a result of the high efficacy of sludge retention time (SRT);
13: Sludge production is reduced;
14: Finally, MBBR technology is ideal for wastewater treatment since it is versatile and readily moved.
What do we offer?
If you want to know more about MBBR Process and its application, you can have an expert solution upon contacting Netsol Water, a leading manufacturer of Industrial and Commercial Water Treatment Plants and Wastewater Treatment Plants, among other services. Our treatment systems are very effective at removing all types of chemical, physical, and biological pollutants.
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