Many people who are responsible for water treatment discover that as groundwater quality declines, regulatory expectations rise. It is frequently difficult to find high-quality groundwater that can be provided for drinking and other uses, and simply treated.
As a result, it becomes important to consult a water treatment expert for handling poor-quality groundwater effectively.
Causes of low quality groundwater
The local groundwater's decreasing quality is caused by a variety of factors.
· Sulphates and chlorides
There are occasions when surface water containing chlorides and sulphates recharges alluvial aquifers, near streams and rivers. Chloride and sulphate levels in runoff from residential areas, golf courses, and agricultural sources can be very high.
High levels of sulphate, which are frequently linked to gastrointestinal issues, must be reduced using sophisticated treatment techniques. High chlorine levels also demand special consideration, since they alter flavour and encourage corrosion.
· Pathogens from bacteria and viruses
Pathogens present in faecal matter that enter groundwater sources through wide fractures in the ground, easy soil penetration, malfunctioning septic systems, and leaking sewage lines, can also damage groundwater.
How to treat poor quality groundwater?
Water treatment plants can deal with poor quality groundwater in a number of ways.
When treatable water has high carbon dioxide concentrations, aeration is crucial. In addition, it is utilized to remove radon and certain gaseous VOCs, as well as hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, manganese, and iron.
Aeration or pre-sedimentation are frequently followed by lime softening. Clarity is enhanced and hardness is decreased. Rapid mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, re-carbonation, and final filtration are processes that are frequently included in the process.
This technique for water purification eliminates calcium and magnesium ions. The EPA claims that this method is, however, increasingly employed to get rid of toxins such as sulphate, nitrate, fluoride, and arsenic.
EDR is a water-treatment method that can get rid of a lot of problematic substances. To eliminate the ions of sulphate, nitrate, and fluoride, it uses an electrodialysis stack. Since the 1960s, this desalination membrane method has been in use.
RO systems are modular in nature and simple to install. It is frequently a worthwhile option. The system is expandable, so it may easily increase treatment capacity as needed.
Options for contaminant disposal
Low-quality groundwater treatment produces waste that needs to be disposed of in a way, which is both ethical and lawful. Numerous choices consist of:
Only after obtaining the necessary permit, it is permissible to return concentrated wastewater to the local waterways.
When impurities are subjected to IX treatment, concentrated brine is produced, which also contains the chemicals utilized to recharge the exchange resin. Concentrated pollutants produced by EDR and RO also need to be disposed of.
Lime-softening sludge is recycled in cement kilns, coal-fired power plants, or to change the soil's composition.
There are now practical approaches for addressing low-quality groundwater treatment needs, which were earlier too difficult or expensive to implement.
The most economical strategy for each unique set of circumstances must take both, treatment methods and waste product disposal into account.
Treatment of poor quality groundwater with Netsol Water
Regardless of how big or small your municipal water system is, it's critical to locate groundwater treatment options that meet your unique requirements. It's important to pick a water treatment firm that has the knowledge and skills to properly treat the water, in your facility in accordance with legal requirements.
Netsol Water can offer an unbiased water analysis to identify the best ways of purification, and upkeep for your water supply. Contact us if your municipal water system needs high-quality groundwater treatment. All of your water treatment demands can be met, in a secure and efficient manner.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.