Using solar energy to filter water for drinking and household needs in a variety of ways is known as Solar water filtration. Solar energy for water treatment is becoming more popular since it is a low-tech solution that captures the sun's heat and energy to make water cleaner and healthier for human use and consumption. Solar water treatment is especially advantageous for rural areas, who lack alternative forms of water purification infrastructure and, more significantly, the electricity needed to power such buildings. The most appealing aspect of solar water purification is that it does not require any fuel.
Solar Water Treatment is consisting of a manifold which connects four tubular solar water heaters. The tubes have a unique coating that allows them to absorb much light as possible. They have a vacuum between the outer and inner tubes, similar to a thermos flask. After filtering using four layers of cotton fabric, non-potable water is poured into the tubes. In the stagnation mode, solar energy heats the water and makes it potable.The main goal of the solar water purifier's design is to make sure it worked even in cloudy conditions with diffused sun energy.
Solar water disinfection (SODIS), solar distillation, solar water pasteurisation, and solar water treatment systems are the four basic methods of solar water treatment. Some of these technologies have been known for a long time, but the majority are novel solar energy adaptations. These technologies are basic and easy to grasp, involve little financial investment, and have been demonstrated to be effective.
Solar Water Disinfection: Solar water disinfection is a low-tech, low-cost method of purifying water that makes use of solar energy and radiation. SODIS was first introduced in 1980 as a technology. The procedure entails filling polluted water into transparent PET or glass bottles, which are then exposed to the sun for around 6 hours. The sun's UV rays kill the germs that cause diarrhoea, rendering the water safe to drink.
Solar Distillation: Solar water distillation makes clean, pure drinking water by condensing pure water vapour and settling out hazardous elements in a solar still. This method is utilised when the water is brackish and contains hazardous microorganisms, or when heavy metals need to be settled out, or when sea water needs to be desalinated.
Solar Water Pasteurisation: To destroy disease-causing bacteria, solar water pasteurisation uses moderate heat or radiation. Cookers that capture solar energy provide this heat. Bacteria, viruses, worms, and protozoa have all been found to be killed with this procedure.
Solar Water Purification: For water filtration, this approach incorporates electricity generated by solar energy. Solar panels provide electricity for a battery that powers filtration and purification equipment. These buildings are usually movable and can be quite useful in disaster relief efforts. They're also available in a variety of sizes, ranging from small-scale to commercial/community supplies.
In rural places around the country, access to safe drinking water continues to be a problem. Commercially accessible water filters are expensive, requires electricity to operate, and waste a lot of water due to reverse osmosis (RO). Now, Indian researchers have created a one-of-a-kind, low-cost solar water purifier that can handle all of these issues.
Solar water systems can be customized from NETSOL WATER for all rural areas and customer consumption.