Is organic waste harmful to the environment?
Organic waste is a type of natural waste originating from plants or animals. It is also known as biodegradable waste. Food waste, green waste, paper waste, manure, human waste, sewage and slaughterhouse waste are all examples of organic waste.
Environmental impact of organic waste
1: Organic waste is not only a social or humanitarian issue; it is also an environmental one. We squander all of the energy and water required to cultivate, harvest, transport and package organic food, when we waste it.
2: Poor organic waste management contributes to climate change and air pollution, as well as directly affecting many ecosystems and species. Landfills, the last resort in the waste hierarchy, produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas linked to climate change. Methane is produced by microorganisms in landfills from biodegradable waste such as food, paper, and garden waste. Depending on how they are built, landfills have the potential to damage soil and water.
3: Organic waste is collected, transported, and processed. The transportation process emits carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas, as well as air pollutants such as particulate matter into the atmosphere.
Organic waste affects our health and well-being in a variety of ways, whether directly or indirectly!
Methane (CH4) contributesdirectly to climate change, freshwater sources are contaminated,air pollutants are released into the atmosphere, cropsgrow in contaminated soil and thus, fish ingest toxic chemicals, eventually ending up on our plates!
Unlawful actions such as illegal dumping, burning and exporting also have a role, but it is difficult to quantify the exact amount or impact of such activities.
Organic waste is harmful to biodiversity!
Biodiversity refers to the diversity of life in an environment, which includes all kinds and varieties of organisms. When cattle are kept or produced, they cause deforestation. This has an effect on the natural flora and fauna. More natural territory is transformed into pastures as the livestock population develops. The more livestock that graze on land, the less arable it becomes. The country's natural beauty and variety are dwindling.
Economic loss and administrative expenses!
Organic waste is also an economic loss and a burden on our community. When the 'leftovers' are abandoned, the labour and other inputs (land, energy, etc.) employed in its extraction, production, distribution and consumption stages are also lost.
Furthermore, waste management is costly. Building a collection, sorting, and recycling infrastructure is expensive, but once in place, recycling may produce cash and create jobs.
It also has a worldwide component, which is related to our exports and imports. What we consume and create in India may end up as waste somewhere else. In certain cases, it even becomes a commodity exchanged across borders, both officially and criminally.
Fortunately, organic waste does not have to be disposed of in a landfill. Composting is one of nature's easiest options for a disposal solution that is beneficial and eco-friendly (rather than wasteful and destructive).
All organic waste will decay over time. Composting is the regulated and rapid recycling of decomposed organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. Composting small amounts of organic waste in your backyard is possible.
Netsol Water offers the best organic waste converters which come with environmental friendly technology. This technology is a viable alternative to typical organic waste disposal methods such as landfill dumping and burning.
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