Maintenance of water softeners
The presence of excessive quantities of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals in the residential water supply causes water hardness, which is a typical concern for many homes. A water softener is the most typical treatment for water hardness.
A water softener is an essential component of any ware-washing set-up, especially if you work in an area with hard water. A well maintained water softener will prevent your equipment from lime scale build-up, which can adhere to parts like heating elements, wash arms, and water hoses, resulting in costly engineer visits.
Water softeners, like all other equipment, require routine maintenance to ensure that they function effectively. One of these maintenance approaches is manual regeneration, which may be learned in just a few simple steps.
How to regenerate a Manual Water Softener?
Automated systems don't always work the way we expect them to. Consider the regeneration process of a water softener. You should be able to manually renew a water softener in such circumstances.
You may need to regenerate your unit more than once during the course of its existence or after specific adjustments. Check your water softener's manual for any specified time intervals that you are required to do so. If no time period is specified, we suggest that you regenerate your water softener every six months. This will ensure that the unit functions properly and that its parts do not become clogged as a result of hard water accumulation.
Manual Regeneration in Water Softeners
Automatic regeneration devices are included in the majority of residential water softeners. These devices instruct the water softener when it needs to shut down and regenerate by using a clock or measuring the amount of water used (demand-initiated regeneration softeners). You will need to manually regenerate your water softener if it does not have an automated regenerator.
Even if your softener has an automatic regenerator, you'll need to manually regenerate it from time to time for routine maintenance.
1. Make sure that the two lengths of clear plastic pipes provided in the package are connected to the drain side of the taps.
2. Set the clocks to 3 o'clock on each tap. As a minimum amount of water under mains pressure may drain from the water softener, make sure the clear pipes are over a bucket or sink.
3. Remove the lid assembly by unscrewing the bigger top tap. The sandy rusty looking contents should not be thrown away as this is the rubber that softens the water.
4. Fill the softener to the top with 1 to 2 pints of granulated salt.
5. Replace the lid and tighten the top knob, making sure that the rubber seal is clean.
6. Make sure the drain pipe from the bottom tap is still connected when you turn the top tap to 9 o'clock.
7. During regeneration, a low flow of water will continue to flow from this hose.
8. Allow the water to run for about 20 minutes, or until the water in the sink is clear and no longer tastes salty.
9. Set the bottom tap to 9 o’ clock mark.
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