How can food waste be turned into an energy source?
Modern society always results in food waste. Even though there are no reliable statistics on global food waste, it has been estimated that about 40% of food that is meant for human consumption is lost or wasted throughout the food supply chain. This includes crops that are rejected at harvest, losses during processing and manufacturing and food that is unsold at retail and consumer disposals.
Overburden of landfills due to food waste
The majority of food waste produced worldwide is disposed of in landfills.
Why waste it if we can harness it!
Every business connected to the food and restaurant industries and the animal husbandry industry often produces food waste. Additionally, homes produce a significant amount of food waste—about half a tonne of food waste per person annually. These wastes are disposed of in landfills, where they degrade and release methane gas.
In order to tackle the value of food waste streams sustainably, landfilling must be replaced with other treatment options including anaerobic digestion, composting as well as the use of Food Recyclers.
How does Domestic Food Waste Recyclers convert food waste into a useful fertilizer?
Your food waste is treated at the source and turned into fertilizer by Netsol’s Food waste recycler. It breaks down organic waste material like kitchen leftovers into the final product of fertilizer. This fertilizer can be used in gardens to improve the fertility of soil. These recyclers come in a variety of sizes for residential and commercial uses.
These fertilizers can also be used by the farmers for their agricultural operations. They no longer would require purchasing pricey, polluting fertilizers because the fertilizer produced is odourless and rich in soil nutrients.
Advantages of recycling food waste into biogas
Food waste is also used to generate biogas in large digesters. It can be utilized to generate electricity, heat homes or power cars. LPG may be replaced with biogas because it creates 4cum of biogas for every 75 kg of food waste, which is equivalent to 2 kg of LPG gas, therefore lowering your LPG expenses. Your electricity costs can be significantly decreased when biogas is used to create electricity.
Food leftovers from different sources
· Breweries
· Restaurants
· Manufacturers of juice
· Grocery stores
· Farms
· Apartments/complexes
· Hotel/cafeterias/canteens
What can you feed our Food Recyclers to produce a resource?
Many different types of organic waste can be used as the starting point. The list of food wastes that can be turned into fertilizer is provided below:
· Kitchen waste
· Wasted vegetables
· Spoiled meal scraps
· Tangerine fruits
· Peels
· Dairy goods
· Egg Shells
· Coffee grinds
· Bones, etc.
There is less food available for human consumption as a result of food loss and waste. Organic waste is continuously produced since there is an on-going need for nourishment. However, energy can be generated from these valuable raw resources that are otherwise wasted.
We need to start minimizing food waste at home in order to lessen the quantity of food waste that ends up in landfills using Domestic Food Recyclers. Recycling can help the environment, save landfill space and produce energy for use. Thus, our Food recyclers and other solid waste management measures help in achieving sustainability, saving our precious Earth.
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