Why is Water sustainability important for hotels?
Hotel rooms, pools, landscaping, laundries, and other facilities account for 15% of all institutional and commercial water use. On a global scale, many international hotel chains have recognized sustainability as a bottom-line issue, and have even begun marketing their water conservation efforts to a public that is becoming increasingly concerned about environmental issues.
Water conservation efforts at hotels, according to some research, tend to occur when corporations recognize that sustainability improves expense management and consumer attraction.
According to a research, there is a new moral norm of acceptance for individual water conservation behavior that extends to hotel stays. Intentions to conserve water and reuse were also found to be morally normative, relying on anticipation of feelings and an already established habit. However, hotels are also relying on water-saving fixtures.
Showers, toilets, taps, and kitchens typically consume more than 40% of the water used in a hotel, but installing low-flow fixtures, such as taps and showerheads, reduces water consumption.
Many of the hotels have installed faucet aerators in rooms and are promoting other water-saving measures, with an estimated annual savings of 7 million gallons of water. However, hotels and resorts in developing countries, on islands, or in water-stressed areas face a unique set of challenges and opportunities.
How can we sustain water in Hotels?
Increased water consumption is causing an alarming increase in gas emissions by plants all over the world, which is significantly contributing to environmental pollution. Water conservation is more important in the hotel industry because massive amounts of water are wasted every day in hotels all over the world.
Water conservation is a top priority because it underpins our very existence.
From the perspective of the hospitality industry, it is critical that they take up the green cause with zeal because this is a high natural resource usage industry with a heightened need to act responsibly. To conserve water in the hotel industry, it is critical to identify key areas where water is used and potentially wasted, such as the bathroom.
This waste is caused by a variety of factors.
When a guest pays for a night's stay in a hotel, there is an implicit understanding that the water (and electricity) consumed by the guest has already been paid for because their room tariff includes these costs.
As a result, a hotel guest is more likely to wastewater (and electricity) than they are at home because the amount of water they consume is independent of their room tariff. Water-saving devices are installed in many places to reduce water flow in the shower, flush, and faucet. Low flow showerheads and faucet aerators, for example, are used to restrict water flow while increasing water pressure.
Every ITC Hotel sends out the environmental message "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle." The programme is divided into two projects: EGO (human-related) and ECO (linked to the environment). Water conservation is one of the top eight priorities in environmental conservation, according to ECO.
Hotels also produce a lot of wastewater from their kitchens, bathrooms, and other facilities. This wastewater contains chemicals, oils, and a variety of residues that are harmful to the environment. Because this water eventually reaches the sea, it is harmful to marine life and has an impact on the eco-system.
Water conservation is critical and can be accomplished through the use of a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), one from Netsol Water Solutions. Many hotels have a sewage treatment plant on-site that treats all of the wastewater generated by the hotel. The system is designed to reuse the wastewater for gardening and air conditioning. Any water that is not reused is drained into the municipal system.
How can we help?
We are a significant water and wastewater treatment firm in India, offering WTP, WWTP, STP, ETP and RO Plant manufacture, among other services. We are committed to providing our valued customers with hands-on service, expert counselling, and training. Every environmental problem and its management have a solution in us.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at enquiry@netsolwater.com for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.