What are The Health Effects of Water Softening?
Drinking water, according to the World Health Organization, may contribute to calcium and magnesium intake. Although these are recognised as vital elements required by the body, some people wonder if removing them from the water supply will result in a shortfall or a generalised mineral imbalance. However, reintroducing these nutrients to your diet can be as simple as taking a multivitamin or calcium or magnesium supplements. Alternatives include mineral water and a variety of healthful foods such as dairy, beans, nuts, whole grains, and leafy greens.
· Most experts believe that drinking soft water on a regular basis is unhealthy.
· Drinking soft water on a regular basis raises sodium levels, which can cause a variety of health concerns, including high blood pressure.
· The process of softening the water also makes it more volatile, allowing it to pick up more contaminants from your pipes. Lead is one of these components, making it potentially more harmful.
· For every 1,000 gallons of water, a water softener wastes up to 120 gallons. If you are charged based on how much water you use, your water bill may go up.
The salt in tap water is added by water softeners. As a result, hypertensive people, those who have high blood pressure and must follow a low-sodium diet should be cautious about the water they drink. The amount of sodium added to tap water by water softeners is determined by the "hardness" (the amount of calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+ ions) of the water, according to doctors.
Of course, physicians believe that cutting back on salty processed foods and table salt is the most effective strategy to reduce sodium intake, since these two actions can reduce systolic blood pressure by 2 to 8 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). However, it is equally critical to reduce salt levels in one's drinking water. In fact, the water one drinks can contribute a significant amount of sodium to one's diet.
The doctors suggested that consumers find out how hard their tap water is by contacting their local water authority or department, and then use that information to calculate the quantity of sodium (milligrams per litre) added to their softened water as follows:
1. Inquire about the hardness of the water in grains per gallon at the water department. Hardness, or calcium carbonate (CaCO3), is measured in "grains" per gallon.
2. To calculate the amount of sodium added to water by a conventional salt-based water-softening system, multiply the hardness value by 8 (or 7.866 to be exact). Some individuals use a multiple of 7.5 to make the calculation easier for non-technical users.
3. To get total sodium, multiply this figure by the sodium naturally present in municipal tap water.
Although the water-softening business claims that the salt supplied during the process is so small that it poses no health risk, physicians and consumer groups have recommended people to switch to potassium-based water softening. However, this is difficult to put into practise because utilising potassium chloride (KCl) instead of sodium chloride salt (NaCl) can be three to four times more expensive.
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