What is the goal of disinfection Procedure?
The goal of disinfection of public water supplies is to eliminate pathogens that cause waterborne diseases. Diseases such as typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, cholera, salmonellosis, and shigellosis can be prevented by using treatments that significantly reduce the total number of viable microorganisms in the water.
While the concentration of organisms in drinking water may be extremely low after effective disinfection, sterilization (i.e., killing all microbes present) is not attempted.
Chlorination is the most common method for disinfecting water supplies around the world if used in limited quantities. The convenience of this method, as well as its highly satisfactory performance as a disinfectant, which has been established over decades of use, can be attributed to its near universal adoption.
"Chlorination is the standard of disinfection against which others are compared," according to Drinking Water and Health (National Academy of Sciences) Association.
Byproducts of Disinfection
Disinfection byproducts are the result of unintended consequences in the purification process. In higher concentrations, these byproducts may cause cancer and pregnancy complications.
Water treatment plant managers can significantly reduce or eliminate these hazardous byproducts with a single simple step: enlisting the help of Netsol experts to design a custom water or wastewater treatment solution.
The procedure
One of the great achievements of the twentieth century was making safe drinking water available to the masses. You no longer had to worry about contracting dysentery, E. coli, typhoid fever, cholera, hepatitis, or any other water-borne illness from your drinking water.
However, the purification process introduces new issues. When the disinfectants used to treat the water react with carbon compounds, harmful byproducts are produced.
The consequences
Disinfection byproducts—it doesn't have a pleasant ring to it, but it doesn't sound like something that will kill you, cause pregnancy complications, or result in stillbirth!
A family of chemicals known as trihalomethanes is one of the byproducts of chlorinating water. The most well-known member of this family is chloroform, which is a favorite of both real and fictional serial killers.
Trihalomethanes have been linked to bladder cancer, colon and rectal cancer, and pregnancy complications. The maximum allowable concentration of these chemicals in drinking water is 80 parts per billion. However, according to one study, people who drink water containing more than 21 parts per billion of trihalomethanes have a twofold increased risk of developing bladder cancer.
Other studies have found that trihalomethane exposure causes low birth weight, stillbirth, and other health problems in babies.
Some water treatment plants got the message and switched to what they thought was safer—chloramines rather than chlorine. The harmful byproducts of chlorine treatment are significantly reduced, but chloramines cause new problems. They are toxic to both kidney dialysis patients and fish.
The Solution
Water treatment does not have to result in the production of cancer-causing toxic waste. Our industry-recognized experts will assess your water treatment plant and recommend the best course of action. Our water-treatment solution will help you use fewer chlorine-based disinfectants. This reduces total organic compounds while also resulting in significant reductions in disinfectant byproducts.
Water purification does not have to produce byproducts that contribute to cancer and pregnancy complications. When you contact Netsol Water Solutions, we will ensure that your water is pure and safe.
Netsol Water is Greater Noida-based leading water & wastewater treatment plant manufacturer. We are industry's most demanding company based on client review and work quality. We are known as best commercial RO plant manufacturers, industrial RO plant manufacturer, sewage treatment plant manufacturer, Water Softener Plant Manufacturers and effluent treatment plant manufacturers. Apart from this 24x7 customer support is our USP. Call on +91-9650608473, or write us at enquiry@netsolwater.com for any support, inquiry or product-purchase related query.