Septic tank systems play an important role in managing household waste generated daily. It is one of the most popular treatment systems due to its ease of installation, low cost and high performance. It is also widely used in both urban and rural areas due to impractical and very expensive sewerage system. However, septic tank performance can be affected by heavy use of septic tank cleaners and other chemicals. Experts also believe that septic tank failures often lead to poor water quality and pose a serious threat to water quality.
Septic tank system
A typical septic tank system consists of components such as tanks, pipes and drains. Underground, there is a septic tank made up of millions of beneficial small living microorganisms that are capable of breaking down organic waste brought in from homes via pipes. The decomposed solids settle to the bottom to form sludge, and grease, oil, and grease form a layer of foam that floats on the surface. Purified water between sludge and floating sludge, so-called sewage, flows through perforated pipes and enters the drain. Biological processes remove residual contaminants before they reach the body of water.
Ideally, everything works perfectly without endangering the water quality. However, chemicals are known to affect the performance of microorganisms, causing septic tank failures and poor sewage quality.
Are septic tank cleaners a threat to water quality?
Septic Tank cleaner is used as a preventive maintenance measure and to solve sewage treatment plant problems. However, recent studies have shown that septic tank cleaners are a potential cause of groundwater pollution. Unregulated septic tank cleaners contain acids and bases that can cause sludge formation and affect the performance of useful microorganisms. It contains compounds such as methylene chloride, trichloroethane and trichlorethylene, and its presence in large amounts is known to cause environmental pollution. In addition, it can damage the soil structure where wastewater is released.
In addition to septic tank cleaners, common household cleaners can affect septic tank performance by reducing the number of bacteria. Some of these are:
A: Bleach-Chlorine bleach is known for its antibacterial properties. Therefore, its widespread use can destroy aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in septic tanks and drainage areas, respectively.
B: Soaps and detergents – As you can see, antibacterial ones have a negative effect on septic tank systems. Therefore, continued use of antibacterial soap can cause problems. In addition, detergent powders may contain ingredients such as phosphates and surfactants that can lead to environmental pollution.
C: Toilet and drain vacuum cleaners – Toilet and drain vacuums used in the bathroom are one of the main causes of septic tank malfunctions. Chemical laced products are drained into drains and finally placed in septic tanks. It is important to note that these chemicals cannot do any harm at once. However, over time, chemicals can accumulate and disrupt ideal conditions for biological activity.
Septic Tank Failures and Results
Defective septic tanks cannot effectively and properly treat liquid sewage. Therefore, these wastewaters, including pollutants such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and pathogens such as bacteria, protozoa, and viruses, can leak into groundwater and nearby water sources. This contaminated water can lead to gastrointestinal illness, dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis, etc. when consumed. As you can see, septic tank cleaners indirectly pose a significant threat to water quality and need to be avoided.
Instead, there are environmentally friendly and biological septic tank cleaners that can be used to improve the performance of septic tank systems and protect water quality.
Netsol is one of the leading companies developing advanced and environmentally friendly solutions for septic tank systems, sewage treatment, water treatment and wastewater treatment.
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